Classes Begin

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Izuku left his house excited for his first day at UA. As he walked, he caught up to Katsuki. They haven't spoken since the day Katsuki found Izuku. Katsuki stopped bulling Izuku and tried to ignore him. Izuku was too busy training to even realize.

"Morning Kacchan."

"Tch," Katsuki snarled.

Izuku walked a few steps behind him as they made their way to school. It turned out that they were in the same class. Katsuki reached for the giant door, opening it. He suddenly stopped as his eyes were drawn to a head of white and red hair that was turned away from the door talking to someone with glasses. Izuku didn't notice Katsuki stop and bumped right into him.

"Kacchan, what's going on?" Izuku asked rubbing his forehead.

"That's the guy. The ice user."

Izuku's eyes went wide as he noticed everyone turn to the two of them in the doorway. Shoto turned and locked eye with Katsuki. Katsuki walked over placing a hand on the scar on his left cheek. Shoto flinched slightly as he touched him.

"Is this why?"

He only nodded with a blank expression. Before Katsuki could ask more about the reason he never came back to the hospital the bell rang and their teacher comes hopping into the room in a sleeping bag.

"I'm Aizawa your homeroom teacher. Instead of the opening ceremony stuff we will be assessing your quirks. If you do badly then I will expel you."

The entire class had shocked expressions and all put up some sort of protest.

"Change into your gym clothes and meet me at the training grounds."

In the boy's locker room, all the boys started changing. They took off their shirts and compared muscles. Izuku changed in the back trying to avoid it. He did have muscles now but he kept his undershirt on before pulling on his gym top. A grumpy blonde was trying to get Kirishima and Denki to back off and let him change. He threatened to blow them up if they didn't back off.

The girls were waiting as most of the boys walked out together, joining the class. Uraraka waved at Izuku and he smiled back at her.

"Took you boys long enough," Aizawa grumbled, "Now let's begin. Bakugo use your quirk to throw this ball."

"DIE," he yelled sending it flying.

"705.2 meters," Aizawa said as Katsuki smirked, "I will now evaluate you in multiple quirk assessments."

They began doing all the assessments and came back to the ball throw. It was now Izuku's turn and he knew they he only did average at best at the other tests. He really needed to do well here. He grabbed the ball and started to build up power in his arm when his quirk suddenly stopped. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground the ball rolling slightly away from him. Aizawa immediately stopped canceling his quirk and came over to him. He helped him to his feet.

"You alright child?"

"I'm not sure what happened I was getting ready to throw then was on the ground."

"Well I canceled your quirk with mine. I saw the entrance exam. What are you planning to do have someone else rescue you once you throw off one punch? Also, my quirk shouldn't cause pain, why did you scream?"

"I did?"

"Well if you are fine, try again. This time I won't stop you."

Izuku thought about what his teacher said. He needed a good score. He then threw the ball but at the last second used just the tip of the finger sending the ball 705.3 meters. He then looked at his teacher, "I can still fight."

Katsuki was shocked. His hands started sparking. He charged at Izuku knocking him to the ground. He sat on top of him, "you hid your quirk from me all these years. Did you even think of me as a friend?"

Katsuki was about to blast the ground next to Izuku's head but Aizawa cancelled his quirk. He then used his scarf to bind him. Shoto reached out his hand to Izuku which he took. Once he was on his feet Aizawa announced the results.

Izuku looked down in shame as he saw he was last. This was it for his dream after All Might gave him hope.

"No one is getting expelled it was just irrational deception to get you to go all out. Midoriya, here's a pass to get check by Recovery Girl."

The next day the students went to Ground Beta with All Might for combat training. They had on their hero costumes that were just made. They drew lots and the first match was Deku & Uraraka Vs. Iida & Kacchan.

"What's the plan Deku?" Uraraka asked.

"Well Kacch-Bakugo is going to come for me, so while I have him distracted you go located the bomb."

"Sounds good, but are you going to be alright?"

Izuku nods and the bell to begin rings. They both run in and sure enough Katsuki is already coming straight towards Izuku, ignoring Uraraka. She slips by and tries to locate the bomb.


He came after him with a huge right hook which Izuku countered slamming Katsuki to the ground.

"You want to die you damn nerd?! I'm going to hurt you so bad they are going to stop this battle. You lied to me for years. Pretended to be weak."

"I never lied to you Kacchan!" Izuku tried to explain but Katsuki came right for him this time using his explosions to get over his head and using another to blast him into the ground. Izuku tried to counter the best he could while Katsuki unleashed his rage. After a few minutes, Uraraka notified him that she found the bomb. It was in fact right above them. Iida was pretending to be a villain causing Uraraka to laugh revealing her location. Iida then played keep away with the bomb using his super speed.

"I have a plan Uraraka, you'll know when to strike," Izuku spoke in the communicator.

"Deku, I can't wait to show you this move." Katsuki pointed his gauntlets at him pulling the pin.

"STOP THIS FIGHT," All Might said, but was ignored.

The pin fell to the floor as the gigantic explosion knocked Izuku into the wall.

"Not going to use that hidden quirk of yours Deku?" he asked.

"I didn't hide it Kacchan!" he yelled coming at him. He powered up his right arm. Katsuki saw this and leaped behind him but Izuku used his punch to break the ceiling above them giving Uraraka a chance to float to the bomb. As she landed on the bomb Katsuki had unleashed his other gauntlet to Izuku's back.

"Hero team wins!" All Might announced.

Katsuki looked at Izuku finally cooling off from his rage. He saw were the scar on his back should be but since he burned most of his clothes off from his upper body his scar was torn open. His back was bleeding. Izuku was screaming in pain.

And so it begins. :D

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