The Real Hand Crusher

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Shota was teaching his class when suddenly his phone went off. It has a call from Hizashi which was weird because he knew he had a class.


"I'm sending Nem over there to teach your class but bring Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki over to the nurses office right now."


"Just do it! QUICKLY!" He used his quirk on the last bit.

"What's going on Aizawa?" Mina asked.

"Problem children one, two, and three, we're going to meet Recovery Girl."

"Huh," Izuku said standing up. Katsuki and Shoto doing the same.

"Let's go, Iida, you are in charge till Midnight gets here."

"Yes Sir!"

Shota led them all down the hallways. Most kids were in class but the few in the hallways quickly moved out of the way. In the hallway outside the infirmary, Touya and Tenko stood. Touya had an arm wrapped around him and was clearly trying to comfort him.

Izuku ran up ahead when he saw Touya trying to calm him down, "what's going on-"


Izuku stopped in his tracks. That was Himiko screaming in pain. Tenko tensed up when he heard it. Touya looked over at them.

"Himi has gone into labor."

It took a second for it to register in their heads. Once it did, they stood there shocked. They were about to be dads.


"Shouldn't someone, uh, be in there with her?" Shoto asked.

"I ca-can't," Tenko said defeated.

"But she wanted you there?" Izuku asked confused. They had talked about who could be in the delivery room with her. Although, it seemed like she wasn't going to the hospital and Recovery Girl would be doing the delivery.

Tenko punched the wall. He hit the sign that said 'Infirmary,' and it turned to ash.

"What happened to the quirk suppression bracelets?" Izuku asked.

Tenko ignored him and punched the wall a few more times. Touya answered for him, "they broke. He rushed her here and the stress of seeing her in pain was too much for them to handle. He felt his quirk come back so he came out in the hallway."

"Oh." Izuku said.

"Damn it."

"Can't Power Loader make new ones?" Katsuki asked.

"He's working on them with some pink haired girl," Touya said.

"Get in there Izuku. She needs someone. It was supposed to be us but just go."

"You sure?" He questioned at Tenko.


"Go. Now."

Izuku rushed inside and went straight to her side. He held out his hand which she gladly squeezed, insanely hard.

"You're doing great Himiko. It's almost time to start pushing," Recovery Girl said.

Izuku ran in so fast he didn't even realize Sakura was also here helping her. Sakura gave him a quick smile before getting back to work.

It was another thirty minutes till Sakura said she needed to start pushing. Himiko screamed in pain, her grip tightening on Izuku's hand as she pushed.

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