To the Moon

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When's he going to wake up?" Katsuki groaned.

"The doctors said soon. Maybe today," Shoto replied looking at their boy friend. He was taken off the ventilator and only had a breathing mask on now.

"He's been sleeping for five days. Nerd has slept long enough."

Shoto smacked Katsuki on the back of his head since he was sitting on his lap.

"Ouch. Ass."

"Whatever," Shoto tightened his grip on Katsuki, snuggling into his back.

"You think he's going to freak out when he wakes up?" Shoto asked.

"Probably. We probably won't be able to touch him for awhile either. Ouch, you are squeezing me too tight," but Shoto ignored him and held him even tighter.

Katsuki struggled to move Shoto's arm off of around his waist. Shoto held on tight. The whole time they were fighting they didn't notice two green eyes flutter open for a second.

Izuku tried to open his eyes but it was so bright. He didn't know where he was. He felt something on his face. He started to panic. 'What is he pumping into me now? Is this gas poisonous?" He thought to himself. He managed to blink his eyes open for a couple seconds.

Sound started returning to him. He could make out two voices. He felt like he knew them. He tried to focus on them.

"Let go Icyhot!! I can't breath."

"Never going to happen."

"I swear I will blast you to the moon!"

"I'd actually love to see you try to do that."

"You think I'm joking?"

"I don't know. That is pretty far."

"If round face can float a ball up to space then I can sure as hell blast you up their with it."

Izuku recognized the voices. He tried to reach his arm up to get their attention but it was slow moving. His wrists stung.

"K-" his throat screamed at him. He wasn't able to get any words out. Even his cry's of pain were just loud puffs of air.

"What was what?"

"Don't think distracting me is going to get me to let go."

"Shut up Icyhot. It sounded like wind?"

Shoto finally let go and Katsuki stood up. That's when he noticed Izuku's arm had moved closer to them.


He didn't get any reply except another loud puff of air.

Shoto got up, "Izuku, if you are awake, can you show us a sign? Open your eyes for a second? Can you do that for us?"

Izuku was tried and in pain but he needed help. He scrunched his eyes trying to open them until he managed to barely open them. The light was still too bright and he immediately shut them. His head was spinning and he wasn't even moving.

"Katsuki go get the doctor. Did you see that? They opened and even now they are furrowing."

He rushed out to the nurses station.

"It's alright Izuku. You're safe now," he started to push his hair back causing Izuku to relax his face into the warm touch.

Katsuki came back into the room with Sakura right behind him.

"You said he's awake?"

"Yeah, but he looks to be in pain."

"Dim the lights," Katsuki did as she said.

"Hey Izuku. It's me Sakura. I'm going to pull your eyelids open. I need you to look to your right when I do it to know you can understand me," she gently pulled his eye life open. Izuku glance around the room. His eyes slowly adjusted and he looked to the right.

"Good. Now to the left," he did that. "Alright. Left for no and right for yes."

"Are you in pain?"

He glanced right.


Glanced right.

"Is that the only spot?"

To the left.


To the right.


To the right.

"Anyone else?"

He started looking right but then swapped to no.

"Okay. I'm calling Recovery Girl down to look at your wrists, throat, and head. We need you to get your energy up so we are going to sit you up carefully and then one of your boyfriends will feed you. Okay?"

He looked to the right.

"Boys sit him up and mind his injuries. Remember his back is still healing even though it's not currently hurting him. Got it?"

"Yes," they both replied. Sakura went to get some soup while Shoto and Katsuki sat Izuku up. His eyes fell back closed once Sakura let go of them.

Soon Sakura was back. She set a tray down and left the boys to feed him.

"Why do you get to feed him?" Katsuki grumbled.

"Because Izuku picked me, right?"

Izuku opened his eyes and looked to the right.


"Damn nerd. Damn Icyhot."

"Well maybe if you were calm and patient he would let you. It also helps that I'm pretty sure he picked me since my quirk can cool the soup."

A quick yes from Izuku.

"Tsk. Whatever."

Shoto kept feeding Izuku who started keeping his eyes open for longer. They had just finished feeding him when their was a knock on the door. Recovery Girl came in with Shota, Hizashi, and Hitoshi.

The three stood in the doorway with tears in their eyes until Recovery Girl pushed them aside.

"Hmmm," she looked him over, "your backs not hurting?"

He replied no.

"I think your quirk is starting to kick back in finally. You really overused it taking that knife wound. To be sure I'm going to have Aizawa erase your quirk for a second and let me know if your back hurts, got it?"

He looked right. Shota quickly erased it for a few seconds and stopped.

Izuku was panting. His other injuries got worse as well as his back flaring up.

"Take it that it hurt?"

He replied yes.

"The others get worse as well?"

Another yes.

"Well, Sakura's bandages will get your back for now and I'm going to focus most my energy on your wrists. I will heal your vocal cords but no talking until I say otherwise. Understood?"

He understood.

Recovery Girl gave him a quick kiss and his wrists healed leaving only scars behind. Just more for the collection Izuku thought before falling back asleep.

Surgery went well for me. 10 stitches in my arm though. Not very pleasant. Wrote what I could. Just going to post it early since I'm done. :) kind of bored laying around in bed resting all day. Any anime recommendations? I've seen a lot though. 😅


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