chapter 13

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Rachel pov

5:30 pm

Holy poopp oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! My date with Niall is tonight and I am soooo excited!

“Ok what're you gonna wear on your date?!” Michaela inquires

“Umm i was thinking just a flannel with jeans” I reply

“What?! Are you crazy!!” Shannon screams at me


“It's your second date right?” she asks


“So it's gonna be more romantical this time so you need to look really good” it’s funny how she knows all this stuff and she’s younger than me.

“Ughh so what do you have in mind?”

“Well you can borrow this blue blouse from Emily, she doesn't mind. See it's not too girly either”

“Ughhh fine!”

“Ok go shower and put this on with this skirt”

“Excuse me? Did you say skirt?”

“Yup!” she replies with a grin on her face because she knows I hate skirts and dresses.  All my friends know this will never happen.

“No way in hell-icopter am I wearin a skirt!”

“Come on Rach it'll be awesome!” yeah awesome for you cuz you’ve never seen me in a skirt, but not awesome for me cuz I hate them with a passion.


“Please for your best friend!”

“Sorry noo”

“Fine put your beige shorts on” Shannon finally gives up.

“Yippee!” ha, ha, ha I am victorious!

“Ok we'll get your make up on after you shower!”

I walk out of the room because I do not feel like arguing about make-up.  I’ll save that for later.  I shower in my usual routine. Wash up, shampoo, condition, brush hair, yaddah yaddah yaddah. I step out of the shower and dry off. I put my clothes on and brush my hair. I dry my bangs so they look nice and walk into my room where I find all my friends grinning like maniacs. They each have a makeup of some sort in their hands. Oh goodness what did I get myself into?! I hate makeup! I've never worn it and never planned to until my brilliant friends came here and ughhh!

“Ok we'll use very minimal make up so you'll still have natural beauty” Michaela says


“Ok close your eyes” Nicole tells me

I honestly don’t know what to say when they finish. I don’t want to offend them but I hate make up and probably will never wear it again unless Niall likes it on me.  Ahhhhhh I cannot wait to see Niall!! He’s probably gonna look super hot and then I’ll be blehhhh compared to him.

They do my make up and I don't open my eyes until they yell “finished!” Oh gosh I'm nervous to see what I look like! I hope it comes off me too. I don't want any left over makeup ughh! well I open my eyes and look at the mirror. Hmm I look weird. I don't like it.

“Umm thanks I guess?” I try to say nicely

“Shhh you look so pretty!!!” they all say

“I hate it” I say bluntly this time.

“No its good now go it's already 6:45!” they shove me out the bedroom door.

“Ughh bye”

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