Chapter 5

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Rachel pov

I wake up and I'm still in Liam’s arms. That's weird he's usually awake before me. I kiss his forehead and start to get out of bed but Liam’s grip gets tighter. Ugh why'd he get so strong? I try to wiggle out of his grip but can’t break free. I look at the clock and it says 10:05. Usually I sleep later than this and Liam wakes up earlier. My stomach growls. I guess I should wake Liam up so I can eat! I poke his cheek. He doesn't move. I poke it again harder and his eyes open slightly. Success!!

“Mornin’ Li!”

“Huh oh mornin’ Rach. You’re up before me that's weird” he says groggily.

“Yeah that's what I was thinking too!”

“How long you been up?”

“Only a few minutes but I'm starving! Plus I have a good idea!” I say evilly.

“Ok let's get some breakfast but what's this idea?”

“Let's pull a prank!”

“That's what I thought! On who?”

“Hmmm...Louis” I smile wryly

“Sounds good got anything in mind?”

“Umm no, you?”

“Hmmm not really”

“Wait instead of Louis we could prank Harry! Do you still have your hair straightener?”

“Yup! This is going to be good” he smiles maniacally.

“I agree! Meet me in his room!”

I walk to Harry's room and notice Louis is getting out of bed

“Shhh” I say with my finger to my lips

He walks over and says “what's up Rach?”

“Liam and I are pranking Harry, would you like to join?”

“Oohh yippee! I love pranks! Sure! What are we doing?”

“Straitening his hair” I smile

“Oohhhh evil!”

Liam walks in with the straightener and plugs it beside the bed. He starts to straighten Harry’s hair. Lou and I are silently laughing and when Liam finishes we all high-five each other and walk out of the room. We come back with a camera to take a picture of him but he isn’t in bed.

“Where is he?” Lou asks

"I don’t know!" Li and I say in unison

We hear a scream come from the bathroom and run out to see a very angry Harry walking out of the bathroom.  We all burst into laughter and I take a picture of him.

“Who did this?!” he inquires angrily

“We did...duh that's why we’re laughing” I say

“You'll all pay!”

“This was payback, Styles!”

“For what? I thought you already got me back for the pool incident!”

“Try the other incident! After the pool!!!” I remind him

“Ohhh yeah” he smiles to himself remembering what happened. Ugh disgusting!

“Yeah that's what I thought!”

“Rachel what happened?” Liam asks me. His voice is full of worry.

“Liam, I'll tell you later” I respond politely

“Oh ok” he shrugs it off.

We all go downstairs except Harry he goes to take a shower and unstaighten his hair, re-curl his hair, whatever. We eat breakfast in silence and Liam says “Rach go wake Niall up” and winks at me.  Ohhh Liam why torture me because I know it'll just be awkward for both of us.

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