ch 17

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Rachel pov

“Soooo when’s the concert?!”

“Tomorrow night” Laim replies as he takes a bite of pizza.

“Seriously?!” woah I thought it was like towards the end of summer…omg I just realized there’s only like a week left in summer and I’m going home in a few days! Awww now im sad.  Although I do want to see my family, I miss them…but I’ve had a blast with these guys!  Especially since me and Niall have been dating…hehe, never gets old.  I really do love him though, and im gonna miss him and the rest of the boys so much!  Oh yeah I have to text my friends to tell them about the concert.  I wipe my hands with a napkin and text them the details.


Hahaha up! Just got another message from Meaghan


And lastly I get one from Nicole:


Sweet they can all come!  We finish our pizza and go home to get some rest.


*At concert*

We arrive at the building where the concert is being held and take our front row VIP seats.  I love being related to Liam! The order that we sit in is Eleanor, Louis, Zayn, Nicole, Michaela, Harry, Niall, me, Meg, Liam.  It’s kind of awkward cuz everyone brought their girlfriends and then ther’es liam and Meg but Meaghan loves Liam and I think they’d be a cute couple, but I don’t want to rush Liam until he’s moved on from Dani.  Although he hasn’t been sad at all and Niall taked to him and told me that he was over her.  I don’t know if that’s completely true but I’m glad Liam got through it quickly.  I want him to be happy so I’m happy he is happy.  I just saif happy a lot, but that’s okay cu aim talking to myself….wait I need to stop thinking to myself.  Anyways, I look at all my friends and they all look they’re having fun!  Niall looks at me and asks, “Everything okay, love?’

“Im just dandy! Haha”

He laughs and continues to watch Ed perform, as I do the same thing.  The concert is almost half over and Ed says, “This next song is for all the couples out there”

Niall and I immediately look at each other, as Ed starts to sing ‘Kiss Me’.

"I love this song!”

“Good, I’ve never heard it, but if you love it, I love it” he says with a smile.  A gorgeous smile that I can’t resist.

I look bekind niall to see Michaela leaning on Harry and Nicole leaning on Zayn.  Then I turn around to see how Liam and Meg are doing.  Liam is staring at Meaghan, but she’s oblivious.  Hmmm, I wonder if Liam likes Meaghan! I sure hope so.  I’ll let them sort things out, though.  I turn back to Niall and he looks confused.  To wipe away his confusion, I press my lips to his.  He kisses me back, and it is long and passionate.  I know he loves me back just as much as I love him.  I hope we never separate…no, I know we’ll never separate.  We pull apart and I rest my head against his chest.  The song ends and Ed announces that intermission is beginning.  My friends and I go to the bathroom, while the boys get some food.

“Meg!  I think Liam likes you!!!” I say excitedly.

She laughs as a response.

“I’m not kidding!”

“Wait really?!  That’s impossible though…he’s Liam Payne!”

“he is…but he is also just a normal guy...but you can believe whatever you want” I say as we walk back to our seats.

The guys come back with, “FOOD!!!” I yell.

Niall got me a doughboy and he got himself one.

“Aren’t couples supposed to share food and drinks?” Harry asks us.

Me and Niall look at each other then laugh our butts off.

“Harry, if we shared…then there wouldn’t be as much food!” I say as if its obvious.

“DUHHH” Niall agrees

Everyone just laughs at us and we continue to eat our doughboys.  Niall has powdered sugar all over his mouth and I laugh.  He looks at me with an innocent face and asks, “What?”

I take my napkin and wipe his face.

“awww but I was saving that for later!”

“you’re so adorable, niall”

“yeahhh I know” he replies with a wink.  What am I gonna do with him.

Liam pov

As I look at Rachel’s friend Meaghan, I see how beautiful she is.  I thought I would need more time to move on from Dani, but right now I think im falling for Meaghan!  I don’t want to make a mistake though.  Besides she probably has a boyfriend or doesn’t even like me.  I’ll probably be over this little crush tomorrow or by the end of the week.  The concert ends and we drop everyone off at home before returning back to the house.  Everyone is exhausted so we all go right to bed.

“So did you enjoy the concert?” I ask Rachel

“Yeah dawgie!!!”

I laugh and she continues, “Did you have a nice view?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I saw you looking at Meg” she says and winks. Crap, she did?

“Umm I don’t know what you’re talking about” I say as cool-ly as I can.  She sees right through me though.

“Sure ya don’t…so do ya like her?”

“Ughh I guess a little…” I admit

“I knew it!! Haha!!  You should ask her out!”

“Nooooo way! She probly doesn’t like me and it’s too soon…right?”

“Wrongo!  Well about her not liking you…the too soon part is up to you”

“Well, I like her but I dunno yet”

“You take your time…but she is available and likes you” she ends with a wink.

“Alright I will…night Rach”

“Night Li”

After a while I hear her fall asleep.  Should I ask Meg out?  Maybe just on a little date to see if we could get along and if I really like her.  If everything goes well and it turns out that I really like her, then maybe I’ll ask her to be my girlfriend!  Well, I should probly get some sleep.  I doze off and have a dream about Meaghan.


Hey Liammmmmm!!!

That voice sounds familiar but im not quite sure who it belongs to.  Then I see a girl kind of short, with tan curly hair.  Ohh its Rachel’s friend…Mary? Margaret…no oh Meaghan!

“hey Meg!”

She doesn’t say anything, just takes my hand and leads me to a dance floor…?  We dance all night with all our friends and then a slow song comes on.  I put my hands on her hips and hers go to my shoulders.  We move in sync and as the song is ending I lean down to kiss her.  Just as our lips are about to meet I hear someone calling my name.  I look around but no one is there and then I turn back to Meg but she’s gone too.  That’s when I wake up.  *end of dream*  woahhhh…

A/N hellooo wattpadians! haha ummm ik its kinda short :/ but 2 chapters in a weekend... thats good right? yessss it is! haha vote, comment, read, tell everyone about this book if ya love it! and even if ya dont love it...i'd appreciate it! THANKSSSSS BYEEEE peoplessss (:

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