ch 24

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*1 amazing year later*

Rachel pov

I had the best year ever to be honest.  Niall and I got back together, as did Zayn and Nicole, and Michaela and Harry.   All the couples are quite strong and it’s just so happy!! I love it!  I made some fun memories this year with Niall too.  We hang out all the time actually, seeing as we live together.  No we still haven’t done anything dirty with each other!  I would like to wait for marriage.  So don’t just assume that a couple living together does that stuff!  I’m currently a gym teacher at a high school and Niall does some work for the community during the day when I’m not home.  Today is Saturday, so no work woohoo! That means a day full of Niall.  I think we’re going out tonight but he hasn’t told me where yet.

*later tonight*

We eat dinner at home and then I get ready for our date tonight and walk out to the living room.  I see Niall looking gorgeous as usual and we head out the door.  He drives us to a familiar place.  I know! This is where we went on our second date!!  We go through the trees and see the gazebo on the lake.  It still looks the same.  Man, I haven’t been here in a long time.

“Ohh Niall, of course you’d take me here again” I joke

He laughs and we sit on the pier like we did many years ago.  We sit in a comfortable silence until Niall asks “wanna play truth or dare?”

“Um sure!” I wasn’t expecting him to say that haha.

“Ok truth or dare?” he then asks

“uhhh truth just to warm up”

“Okay…do you love me?”

“Yes Niall of course I do…truth or dare?”

“Okay phew I love you too, now I’ll take a dare!” he replies

"okay ummmm… I dare you to jump into the lake hehe”

“Ohh you’re evil!  Do I have to?” he asks putting on his best puppy dog face.  Awww he’s sooo cute and I really want to say no you don’t have to…

“Yes” I say plastering an evil grin on my face.

“Ughhhhh fine.” He takes off his hoodie, shoes and t-shirt.  Dangggg I forgot how fit he was…but this time he’s even more fit! He jumps in and makes the biggest splash, obviously trying to get me wet.  Of course he succeeds and I get basically soaked. 

“Would ya help me up darling?”

“I guess so” I reply extending my arm for him to grab.  However, instead of trying to climb up onto the dock he pulls me in.  I shouldn’t have trusted that sneaky smile on his face!  Now I am completely soaked! And I’m pretty sure this gray t-shirt is see through.

“Niall! I can’t reach the bottom!”

“That’s okay, I’ll just hold you” he winks

I start shivering so Niall puts me up on the dock.

“This time when you help me I won’t pull you in” he says

“Now you’re expecting me to help you up? Hmmm I’m not so sure that I’m going to Mr. Horan! Shoulda thought about that before!”

“Awwww pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pwettyy pwease with sugar on top!

“Well I do like sugar…oh alright! Come here”

I help Niall up and he notices the goosebumps on my arm.  He tells me to take my shirt off so it doesn’t make me cold, and that I can wear his sweatshirt.  I take off my shirt and he is scanning my body.  After a few moments, he realizes what he is doing and his face turns deep red.  He hands me his sweatshirt, and he zips it up.  He then puts his shirt on.

“So I uh guess I’ll take a dare” I say to break the silence.

“Oh right okay ummm let me think of a good one since I just had to jump in the water!”

After a few minutes he stands up and helping me up.  He puts his hands in the pockets of the hoodie that I am wearing.  He takes something out of the pocket and kneels down on one knee

“I dare you to marry me, Rachel” he says as he opens the small box with a ring inside.

I don’t…I can’t…I’m speechless! I’m standing there in shock with my hands over my mouth.

“Of course!” I manage to get out

At that point, I see a man in a small boat heading our way and I hear music.  He is singing Amore.  I can’t believe it! It’s the man from when Niall and I had our date here and we decided that we loved each other.  Niall stands up and I kiss him.  Our first kiss as an engaged couple…wow!  I remember how I used to feel just by saying boyfriend and girlfriend and here I am now saying fiancés.  It has an even better sound to it.  However, I am positive it will be even better saying husband and wife.  Oh my goodness I can’t even…no words can describe the incredible feeling I have right now.  Niall is smiling at me, as I’m smiling like crazy.

“I love you Niall Horan.  I say and wrap him in a huge hug.

He pulls back and looks me in the eyes and says, “I love you too, soon to be Rachel Horan”

I laugh and smile and this is the greatest moment ever!!

“Come on lets go spread the news!” he exclaims and picks me up bridal style…tehehe bridal style cuz I’m gonna be his bride soon!!!  Okay I know I am acting like a little girl but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I mean who wouldn’t be excited about getting married! And it’s with THE Niall Horan that was in one direction that I always fangirled about and wanted to meet him since the day I saw him on X-Factor. It’s basically a dream come true.  Every Niall girl fantasized about marrying him and I’m the lucky girl that will actually be his wife.

A/N hehehe wasn't that cute? anyway umm did you like it?! i don't think its very well written but whatever... vote comment thanks love ya

ps there will be one more chapter plus an epilogue...i think (:

hope you enjoyed this chapter byeeee

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