ch 22

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Rach pov

I open my eyes and feel someone's arms around me...right Niall and oh yeahh today's the day, the last day i'll see Niall, Liam and the boys for a while. Well guess I better get ready and pack my stuff. I try to get up but Niall's grip tightens. Arghh! He's still sleeping though. I then hear him muttering something.

"Rachel. Don't leave me"

Awww he's so cute!

"I'll never leave you Niall" I whisper and kiss his cheek.

His lips form a smile and it makes me smile. I guess I don't have to get up yet! I snuggle back into his chest and just take in our moment (a/n haha like their perfume! Woo that's a good one) I feel him start to stir and he opens his eyes. I look up to meet his gaze and say "Mornin Ni"

"Mmm good morning, love" he says in his raspy sleepy voice which may I say is quite sexy.

"I should be getting up to pack now so if you would kindly let go of me that'd be great" I say to him

"Aww but I just woke up and wanna lay with you!" He complains

"Fiiine but only a few more minutes"

"Yayyy!" He cheers and hugs me even tighter

We lay in a comfortable silence and I just remember all the fun I had here. My first date with Niall...Liam setting me up with him haha. Omg when Harry liked me! Now he has Michaela but I think they're cuter together! And when Niall touched my boob hahaha that was very awkward but now it's hilarious! I sigh in happiness. This was the best vacation ever! Even if it was only for a week (a/n ik it was longer lol).

"Well I guess I'll help ya get packed but first lets go get some breakfast!" Niall says

"Ok fine by me!" I reply because I'm soo hungry!!

We walk downstairs to the kitchen to see all the boys already up! Wow even Zayn is up! Harry's making pancakes and it smells soo good! Liam comes up and hugs me while picking me up. He kisses my cheek and then sets me down again. I can tell he's gonna miss me as much as I'm gonna miss him. I just thought of something...I wonder if my friends are sad about the boys leaving...most likely. I'll invite them over tonight when the boys are dropping me off.  We all sit at the table and Harry puts a stack of chocolate chip pancakes in front of us. I take two and put them on my plate and the rest of the boys do the same. After we finish eating I go upstairs to pack my stuff up. Ughhh I'm really gonna miss this. I hear a knock on the open door and look over to see Liam. 

"Hi LiLi"

"Hey Ray Ray"

We both chuckle at our greetings that we made when we were little.

He sits on the bed and motions for me to sit next to him. I walk over from my bureau to the side of the bed and sit. He hugs me and I lean my head on his shoulder. I feel a single tear roll down my cheek. I wonder how it'll be when they drop me off...not very well I imagine.

"Rach, this was an amazing week and you know I love you so much. You've been my best friend since we were little and you'll always be my best friend no matter what happens. I hope we can stay in touch but it's very difficult being in a band and going on your and I know you know that. If you ever feel the need to text or call please do so! Don't feel like you're annoying me cuz believe me, you won't be! And also I'll do my best to text and call and Skype in my spare time. I lost you once and I don't wanna lose you ever again. And I don't want you to have to lose me again because I know that was hard for you" 

Now the tears are really flowing. 

"I love you so much Liam! I'll always be there for you even if we do lose touch along the way which I hope we don't"

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