"A leader of the Cobra clan? What does that make you? A god?" Dean raised his voice before his father rushed in to grab him by the neck. As his grip began to tighten around his Dean's throat, choking him violently, Aaron ran in to pull him away. Dean was left breathless as he gasped for air. While panting hard, he murmured. "Is this what you call being a father? Compare to my mother, you are far worse than her. Even if my mother was the one who abandoned me, at least she never tried to kill me as you've done. If I could go back and choose, I would rather be sleeping on the street than to have a father like you!"

Bowen lifted his hand to point at Dean's face angrily. His voice shook as he tried to hold his madness. "You, bastard..." He took a deep breath. "What's wrong with a father like me? I gave you every fucking thing you ever needed. Education, strength, power, and wealth. What else do you want? Do you know how many people out there wished to be in your spot right now?"

"Who?" Dean exclaimed while he brushed the bleeding corner of his lips with his thumb. "Who the fuck would want to get shot, cut, and strangle by their own father? Tell me because I am dying for an answer. Who wants to kill people? Who wants to sell drugs? You are already rich, but you are letting your greediness killing you. Does all the money that we have now not satisfied you enough with your thirst and hunger?"

Bowen found himself speechless after he heard his son's word. His eyes turned red as he replied in a cold voice. "No! Nothing in this world will satisfy me..." Biting his bottom lips in hesitation, he nodded his head. "Get the fuck out." He mumbled and then turned his back on Dean and Aaron.

Aaron glanced at his brother and said, "Out."

In return, Dean smirked in mocking meanwhile his eyes focused on his father's back sharply. "I am not going anywhere until I get my answer." His tone of voice sounded dangerous as he took a step closer to test his father's patient.

Bowen closed both hands into fists before he blurted out, "Nobody! Nobody wants to do any of those!" He turned abruptly to glare at Dean and then continued speaking. "Without these filthy works, I won't become who I am today either! I have power and money. What else do you want me to fucking say! My fucking parents accused me of doing drugs when I wasn't... I was left on the street, starving, and freezing to death, but those two fuckers broke up with one another to just have another family. Nobody fucking cared about me. I was just a fucking retarded kid... I had no choice, but to do whatever the fuck I could to survive. I got beaten and robbed by other homeless people... and I grew fucking tired of it!" Yanking Dean by his collar, Bowen pulled him closer. "I killed my fucking parents and all of those worthless humans with my own hands. You should feel fucking lucky that I don't fucking kill you too. Consider that as the love of the father that I should've given you... because a person like me won't stop what I fucking do until the day I die."

Dean's lips tightened as he stared deep into his father's eyes that were soon filled with tears. His heart skipped a beat for the first time that he felt pity towards his father. Bowen blinked his watery eyes away before he pushed Dean backward. He glanced over at his another son, Aaron, who was just as speechless as Dean, for a couple of seconds, and then rushed out of the room.

Aaron furrowed his brows immediately at his brother who stared into space blankly. "Fucking moron. Father is mad now. You will regret what you have done tonight."

Just as Aaron was about to leave, Dean demanded. "Stop there!" He turned to face Aaron quickly and then said, "You do realize that father is not going to let Riza live, do you? If you want her, I will help her escape that night. You can take her to China with you and do whatever the fuck you want with her. Otherwise, I will just set her free, hoping that she won't get caught by our father."

Aaron paused to think deeply for a few seconds before he gave a quick nod and then headed out.

Sighing out loud, Dean dropped himself to sit onto the black leather sofa near him. He placed his face into the palm of his hands as his father's words replayed in his head. Apart from him felt guilty and unsettled because he didn't expect that a heartless man like his father went through so many struggles as a kid. While sitting there quietly, he questioned himself if he had hurts his father's feelings.

This is ridiculous. How can that cruel man have a heart? What did he say? Me being alive is the love that he gave me? What nonsense was he talking about? He hurts me every second, yet he claimed that he loved me. Who should I believe now? My mother never physically hurts me, but she had never used the word love with a son like me. She abandoned me for Richard. And, who is this Bowen to say that he loved me by just letting me breath? I want to know. I want to understand. Does he love me? Or, does he actually have a heart?

Dean lost in deep thought on the way back to his small mansion, where his real love waited for him. He walked up to his bedroom soullessly to see Giselle was already asleep under the soft blanket. He went to sit near her so that he could stare at her peaceful sleeping face. In silence, he asked himself if Giselle still loved him. She kept repeating that her feeling wouldn't change, but Dean couldn't get over how she had reacted to him. She seemed to be fear of him. Had he already become a monster in her eyes? Dean sighed out loud in frustration. All he hoped for was for her to accept him as who he is. If he knew that his true color changed her this much, Dean would've chosen to not tell her.

While he gazed at her without a blink, he couldn't help but raise his hand to brush her head gently. His brows furrowed as he whispered underneath his breath. "I love you... so much. Even if I am a bad guy to everyone... I promise to be your only good man... until my last breath."

Dean swallowed hard at the same time he withdrew his hand from her. He shifted a little on the bed before he leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. He stayed in that position for a couple of seconds with both of his eyes closed while he took his time breathing in the fresh scent on her soft skin. His brows began to straighten again as he leaned away from her. His eyes traveled from her face down to her arm and then hand. With a bit of hesitant, Dean slowly reached for her fragile hand. His rough fingers brushed from her wrist to the back of her smooth and soft hand then traced lightly to her fingertips. He lifted her fingers carefully to run his thumb over her knuckles gently.

He glanced between her hand and his for a few times as he tried to compare her flawless thin fingers with his full of flaws digits. "You're beautiful." He whispered while he continued to brush his thumb over her knuckles. "Soft... No scars like me... Beautiful inside and out..." He let out a little chuckle as he mocked himself. "While you are trying to help people... I am here trying to hurt them..." When she shifted in the bed slightly, Dean hurried to place her hand down and stood up on his feet. He let out a sigh in relief when she became still again.


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