♫Chapter 4- The Perverted Pig Has an Appetite♫

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The picture on the side is of Taylorrr(:

Check out the video on the side. You don't have to listen to the whole thing; it's just of Violet's piano recidal song (Sonata by Mozart). I figured since Violet really has a love for piano and has been playing since she was younger that she would play the fourteen minute version of this classical piece.


Chapter Four

"Rainbow! Pst, Rainbow!"

I grit my teeth and reluctantly pivot myself in my seat to glare with pure annoyance at the extremely aggravating, but attractive male seated behind me.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask, clenching my jaw.

"I'm hungry," Jace whisper-whines.

"And I'm Violet. What's your point?" I deadpan.

He chuckles softly, "I said I'm hungry. I want something to eat."

"And you expect me to do something about it," I question incredulously, shoving my pointer finger into my chest.

"Yes," he responds.

I turn myself back around in my seat as anger surges in my chest. I know for a fact that Jace has two perfectly working legs that can allow him to walk down to the vending machine for food that will temporarily soothe his appetite.

An idea pops up in my head and I smirk deviously to myself. I carelessly rip out a piece of paper out of my world history notebook before I ball it up and place it on the desk behind me.

"There's your food," I'm barely able to choke out quietly without bursting out into laughter in the silent room.

Am I high or something? Because I feel like a hysterical hyena that can't control their breathing.

"Thanks," he drawls, raising an eyebrow as if questioning my sanity. "It looks so delicious."

"Yep," I beam. "You know, paper is actually edible so technically you could eat that."

"Do you really think paper thinner than a freaking millimeter will soothe my growling stomach?"

"It depends on the way you look at it," I say, mock serious.

He rolls his eyes. "If you haven't noticed, I'm not the most positive person in the world. So if I say I'm hungry, I really don't want to tough out my hunger; I want some food now."

"Well you're just the most patient person ever," I grumble, crossing my arms. "I'm still not getting you food."

"Why not?"

"Because you have two perfectly healthy and working legs that will aid you in walking down the hallway and purchasing a bag of chips," I say.

"Oh really? And how would you know how well my legs work? I don't recall you running your hands over them or testing them out yourself."

"How would I 'test out your legs' Mr. Genius?" I place air quotes around what he previously said.

"Well, there is one way," he wiggles his eye brows suggestively.

I gasp softly in horror, "You perverted pig! Couldn't you spare your nasty comments for someone who doesn't have an innocent mind?

"Can your nerdy mind not handle my teasing comments?" Jace teases while making a pouty face and then smirking.

"I can too! I just prefer not to listen to you rave about your sex life," I huff.

"What if I wasn't talking about my sex life? What if I was suggesting we switch bodies and you actually do get to test out my legs?"

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