♫Chapter 34- Look Who's Changed the Game Now?♫

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Chapter Thirty-Four

The flight home was so awkward I was practically squirming in my seat from the silence. I opened my mouth a couple of times and Elliot briefly glanced over at me politely so he could look me in the eye while I was talking, but I chickened out and decided not to say anything.

I'm pretty sure saying "hey I'm so sorry I don't like you in that way and I never will, but we can still be friends" won't help his or my case so I think it was smart that I kept my mouth shut.

When he dropped me off at home, Jace was waiting there for me just like he was right before I left. I could sense Elliot's annoyance and jealousy when I threw myself out of the car to squeeze the life out of Jace. Elliot told me to grab my bags because he was eager to see his family, but I know he didn't have any interest in watching Jace and I make out.

Can you blame the poor guy?

I told Jace the night of my audition after returning back to my hotel room from Juilliard what went down with Elliot and he flipped out. I had to calm him down, reassuring him that I didn't have feelings for Elliot and I couldn't ever grow to love him that way because I love someone else. Then, like the stupid doofus he is, he practically growled and claimed to know who this man was.

I hung up because I couldn't deal with his idiocy anymore.

He called me multiple times after that so to calm him down, I texted him and told him that there was nothing to worry about. I crashed early because I had an early flight in the morning.

Currently, it's the day after my arrival home. Blake left early this morning but since I was too lazy and exhausted to get up around five in the morning and wish him farewell until spring break, I wished him a safe drive back to campus the night before. Since it's Tuesday and I skipped Monday, I have to go to school and put up with everyone's crap along with double the amount of homework. This three day weekend was a nice way to get away from Jessica and other drama, but now I have to face the bitch and her minions again.

"Gabe, Luke. Jace is here," I yell. They both come bounding out of the kitchen with more fruits in their hands. I snap my fingers and look at Gabe, "Hey hand me that banana."

The permanent scowl on his face deepens, "But this was for me."

"Too bad. I'm hungry and I have a test I didn't study for today," I smirk. He rolls his eyes and places the banana in my hand before shoving me purposely into a wall. I rub the shoulder that slammed into the wall and grudgingly follow him out of my front door. I'll let the little brat get away with treating me like crap this time only because he's having friend and girl troubles.

Surprisingly, when Jace and I walked into school this morning, hand in hand, people didn't have much to say. Naturally, they still stared and whispered, but no one shouted offensive names to me when I brushed by them so I guess that's a plus.

"What's changed since I've been in New York," I asked him when we arrived at my locker. I gathered all of my books in my arms for first period and took out my homework from last night that I wouldn't need until a later period.

"Yesterday, Wes, Taylor, me, and the others went around and explained what happened to people," he admitted.

I slammed my locker closed and whipped around to widen my eyes in a panicked way, "What exactly did you go around telling people?"

"If you're asking if I told them she abused you in the bathroom and about the details between you and me, no I didn't. All of us just started spreading the word that the video was fake and a fluke to turn everyone against you, and I told people that I really love you and I wouldn't be dating you if I was just messing around."

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