Chapter 4

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I went to bed that night restless. I kept looking out the window in my bedroom waiting for something. I don't know what I was waiting to see. All I saw was the neighbors window. The window where me and the little red haired kid talked to me. Those were the days... But I feel like something big is gonna happen. I'm not sure what though.

"Erica!" My mom yelled.

"Yea mom?" I yelled back.

"Jasmine's here to see you!"

I jumped with excitement and ran out of my bedroom. I really hope she is feeling better.

I slid to the front door in Mickey Mouse pjs and my hair messy. Jasmine stood there trying not to laugh at me.

"Come on in sweetie." my mom gestured as jasmine walked in. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Oh no thank you. I was just on my way to say hi before I go somewhere" Jasmine said rubbing her hands on her black leggings.

"Oh where are you headed?" I asked.

"Well, Troy invited me to go see his family that lives in Pennsylvania. So I have my suitcase on your front porch and I'm ready to go. I have only met his parents once. That didn't go well at all."

"Well first impressions are not always correct. Maybe they forgot about it. I'm sure it'll be fun." my mom assured her.

"Yea your right. Thank you." Jasmine looked outside the window "oh Troy is here."
She gave me and my mom a hug.
"I'll call you guys. See you later." she waved closing the front door.

Me and my mom sat down at the kitchen table and talked about the house being sold next door.

"I can't believe that it got sold." my mom breathed.

"Yea. Me either. I'm gonna miss the old neighbors."

"Well maybe the people that are moving in are nice."

"Do you know who is moving in?"

"Uh. I believe the Canadian people from the other day." My mom sipped her coffee "I heard they have a boy around your age. Maybe he will like you."

"Haha that's funny mom. No guy would like me. I'm a potato."

"Your not a potato. Your a beautiful girl. Your also my baby fluffy wuffy kinz." my mom kissed me

"Your so weird." I laughed.


It's been two days since Jasmine left with her boyfriend to his parents house. She told me that everything has turned out better than she thought. This morning is when my new neighbors arrived. My mom is forcing me to be 'social' which is something I don't like doing. I am really awkward.
But not the runs away from talking to people type of awkward. I'm just not good with words when I first meet someone.

I got dressed into a teal crop top that said dream on it and black high waisted shorts.
"Mom I'm ready!" I shouted from my room trying to fix my hair and slip on my shoes.

"Alright! I'll wait for you at the front door." my mom shouted back.

I put on mascara and quickly lined my eyes. I looked back at myself.
This better be worth it for how good I'm looking.
I walked to the front door to leave with my mom.

"You ready?" My mom asked.

We left the house closing the door behind us. We went down the drive way and my mom took at right walking into the new neighbors yard. I followed behind her.
"Hey! Excuse me! I was- I mean we were wondering if you needed help." my mom politely said. "we are your next door neighbors."
We pointed to our house.
"Oh nice to meet you. And I would love the help." the woman said smiling. "what are your names?"
"I'm Angela and this is my daughter Erica." my mom said pointing to me. "what is your name?"

"I am Karen. My husbands name is Manny. Shawn and Aaliyah are my children. Shawn is the older one."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you." my mom shook her hand. "maybe once your settled you could have dinner over my house one night."

"That would be great! My husband is going to be so excited about this." she smiled.
"Is there anything we can do to help?" I asked.

"Oh yes! There are some boxes over there that needs to be put inside." she pointed to inside a truck. "thank you guys so much."
I walked over and took a box and approached the front door. I accidentally bumped into someone.
"Oh gosh I'm so sorry." I said kneeling down to help him pick up his papers.
"No it's ok. it's my fault really." the guy said with a soft voice.
We accidentally touched hands and looked up at each other.
"I um I gotta go and unload." he said popping up and leaving his papers on the stairs.
I read the title of the paper "Can't lift the weight" I scanned the page a little; before I left the box I brought in the house on the floor by the rest of the boxes. The whole house was painted a tan color and had wooden floors. It used to smell like vanilla when the other family lived here. Now it smells like Cotten and roses.


We spent the rest of the day unloading and I never saw that mystery boy again since I bumped into him. It's pretty strange considering he lives there now and I only ran into him once. I think he was Shawn.
But I'm really excited to see him again.
I laid in my bed and had my cat Emma beside me. I shut off my light and tried to recite the part of the song I read off that boys paper.

"Tell me that your happier with him, you want me to stay. And you tell me that you needed time but you pushed me away. And when you can't take me back my heavy heart just breaks. But I can't lift the weight."

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