"How oblivious could you be?" Natasha asked

"What? What do you mean?" I asked confused

"You know you're in love with him, right?"

"Since when?"

"Since pretty much always. And he loves you as well. That's why I'm breaking up with you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What? Nat, no! I love you."

"But you love him more, and I'm okay with that. I still love you," She said getting up giving me a kiss on the forehead, "I'll be at Clint's if you need anything."

Then she left and Bucky was back.

"What happened to Nat?"

"She had to go..." I mumbled

"Is everything okay?"

"Uhm, we broke up. I need to go, Buck, I'm sorry. I'll see you later." I said standing up fast and running out the door.

As I walked back to my apartment, Nat's words stuck in my head on repeat. I mean I like Bucky, I literally told him that but I didn't think I loved him, and him loving me is just more absurd. I just needed to get back home and take a shower to clear my thoughts.

I hoped in the shower and let music play on my phone. Luckily that all got me to calm down. When I got out of the shower I made myself some tea and sat down on the couch to watch tv. I decided to just watch a movie on Netflix when I got a notification on my phone. It was from Bucky. I didn't really want to read it, but I did anyway.

It read, "Hey. Can you stop over today? I know you're upset so maybe I could cheer you up. I also have to tell you something."

I wonder what he had to tell me. There was still some daylight left and I wouldn't mind some cheering up so I responded back.

"Sure! Thanks. I'm on my way now and will be there in 10."

Bucky was only a 10-minute walk away he lived on the other side of the coffee shop which is 5 minutes away.

I arrived at his apartment and buzzed on the keypad. His voice rang through the speaker underneath.

"Stevie?" He asked. I replied telling him it was me and he opened the door

"So what do you have planned?" I asked

"Well, I hoped we could watch a movie and have some hot cocoa and snacks."

"That sounds wonderful! By the way, what did you want to tell me?"

"Oh um, I'll tell ya later. I'm gonna go pop some popcorn and get the coco. Do you wanna go pick the movie and then we can choose some snacks?"

"Sounds great," I said walking go the TV grabbing the remote

I searched through a few movies before deciding on, "The Orient Express" Tony had told me about it before. It's a great murder mystery.

Bucky set the cocoa and popcorn on the table and then we raided his pantry for some good snacks. We mainly grabbed the candy and he even found cotton candy.

We watched "The Orient Express" drinking our cocoa, eating snacks, and trying to figure out the murder. The ending really surprised us so we decided to watch another movie, by the time we were done watching movies, it was almost midnight.

"Ah shiz, do you mind if I stay here tonight? Its really late," I ask

"Yeah, I have a guest bed so you can sleep there," Bucky explained putting the dishes in the sink

"So what did you need to tell me?"

"I'll just tell you tomorrow Stevie, I don't wanna make you uncomfortable since your staying over."

"I promise I won't be uncomfortably just come here and tell me," I said patting the couch next to me, "I'm getting anxious."

"Fine," he says sitting next to me, "I - I uhm... God, how do I say this?"

"Just tell me when you're ready."

"I LIKE YOU... like a lot. Sorry for shouting, but I really like you and I know this is really inappropriate since you and Nat just broke up but I had to tell you."

"I can't believe she was right..."

"What do you mean?" Bucky panicked

"Well the reason Nat broke up with me was because of this. She told me I was in love with you and that you loved me. I thought she was insane because I knew I loved her and I didn't think you could love me. But... you just admitted to liking me and that made me feel something inside and it kinda feels like happiness."

"Can I test that feeling?"

"Uh sure..."

And with that Bucky grabbed the back of my head and brought it towards his, kissing me. I was surprised at first but then I felt his soft lips and I felt that happy feeling again and kissed back closing my eyes. I felt a spark.

He then pulled back but he kept our foreheads together and his hand on the back of my head.

"Do you get the feeling now?"

"I don't know what it was, but I loved it."

"I really like you, Stevie."

"I- I like you too, Bucky."

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