My Favorite Office Chair

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A/N: This is base of the tenth otp question. 


I've never been so bored in my life. Mr.Stark was on vacation for a week and I was his secretary. He had a replacement in though. His name is Clint, but the problem is he doesn't give a damn about work.  Normally I would be doing paperwork and calling clients but Clint told me to postpone all appointments until Mr.Stark was back. I can't believe I actually want to work. 

Well, that's a first.

I do like my job sure, but who would ever actually beg for something to happen so I have to fill out an outline form. Can't Mr.Stark return. I'm dying inside.


I tilt my head back against my chair. I shared an office with Barnes who seems to enjoy annoying me. That day he has been squeaking in his stupid chair carefree. I turn to look at him. The growing smirk on him tells me he did it on purpose. I internally groan and turn around. 


"CAN YOU NOT?" I snit

"Stop what?" he asked. Again he had a smirk on his face.

"You know what I mean."

"Obviously not or I wouldn't have asked." His smirk grown wider 

"Fine," I say rubbing the bridge of my nose, "can you stop squeaking your f**cking chair."

"Language mister! You know you shouldn't talk at work like that."

"I'm taking my break now," I say as I can no longer stand Barnes' annoyance.

"Bring me back a coffee. I'm tired!" he yells to me on the way out

I'm no longer dying on just the inside.

~~~ Time skip till after Steve's relaxing break ~~~

I walk back into the office with a little bit of regret for coming back. I set Barnes' coffee on his desk. Man is this going to be a long day. 

"I'm surprised you returned," he mumbled to himself as I went to sit back at my station. 

"Me too," I respond even though he probably didn't mean to say it out loud, "and your coffee has a little cream and sugar since I don't know what you like." We sit in silence for a few minutes before Barnes pipes up.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

I scoff "I don't hate you, I hate the things you do because they're annoying. But I don't hate you."

"That's remarkable," he says with a small chuckle 

"It's true. You just annoy the absolute crap out of me."

"I call that annoyance fun. You're just boring."

"I'm not boring!" I exclaim

"Well then let me take you out, Rogers."

"Wait... what?"

"We can go have a few drinks, dance to crap music and have fun." 

I want to prove to Barnes that I'm not boring so I agree. I work too hard I deserve to go out because I am fun.

~~~ After Work At Home ~~~

I share an apartment with my friend Natasha. She was usually still at work when I got home but today she wasn't. I say hello and walk to my bedroom and then to my closet. I stare blankly at my horrible wardrobe. I grumble in frustration and out of the corner of my eye I see Natasha in my doorway.

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