Laser Tag

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Steve wanted to something fun with Bucky. So he decided why not take him to laser tag. It was one of Steves favorite new activities that Natasha showed him so why not show Bucky. So Steve decides to call Bucky.

"This is Bucky,"

"Hey, Bucky! It's Steve."

 "What's up, pal?"

"Do you wanna go and have some fun?"

"If you mean trying new music by Justin Beaver or whatever his name is NOOOOOOOOO!"

"No. Not that. Something that should be a lot more fun!"

"Anything is more fun than that."

"True! It's called laser tag. Apparently, it's a game where you and a bunch of other people are put into a black room only lit up by black lights and you get fake guns that shoot fake lasers. You also you wear this vest with things that can tell when you've been shot. There are also barriers to hid behind and makeshift buildings to go in!"

"That actually sounds like a lot of fun Steve so I guess I can go."

"Okay so how about today at 6:30 and we could have dinner or something before."

"Sure just text me the deets later on." 

"Ok bye!"

~~~ TIME SKIP till like halfway through the dinner ~~~

"I set up a reservation so we should be able to play at 6:30," Steve said after swallowing his burger. 

"Cool. So are we all against each other or are there teams or is it just us," Bucky asked not knowing what was really going on. 

"Yes, there will be other people and it also depends on what they want to do. What do you want to do?"

"I think it would be fun to go against you," Bucky says moving his eyebrows up and down with a suggestive wink.

"You wonder why Natasha ships us," Steve says biting his lip holding back a chuckle.

"I still don't know what 'Ship' even means," Bucky says chuckling.

"Me neither," Steve says finally chuckling. Back in the 40's Bucky still did this little flirty thing and Steve did enjoy but he never knew if Bucky was serious. 

~~~ TIME SKIP over the two-minute road trip to the laser tag place ~~~

"Heeeeellllllloooooo everybody my name is Cody and I will be helping you play laser tag today!" one of the workers said showing them into a dark room with a dragon painted on the wall and the vests and guns on a rack. Steve and Bucky were paired with a family of four, a group of friends that consisted of about five people, and another family of three. "Okay. Who here has never played laser tag before?" Steve and Bucky raise their hands along with three little kids. Cody explains the same thing Steve had before and then helps every one suit up. "So do you guys want to do 1v1's or teams?"

"We'd like to do 1v1's if that's okay with you guys?" Bucky asks. Almost everyone agrees.

"Okay, guys I'll set it up for a 1v1 and then those doors will open," Cody says pointing to the doors that were painted into the dragon," and you will have a one minute grace period. HAVE FUN!" that last part sounded strained as if he was forcing himself to try and be happy. (Literally me all day at school! Serious mood)

They played all until it was down to the last three. It was Steve, Bucky and a girl from the group of friends. Bucky spots Steve but doesn't shoot him. He slowly walks over. 

"Don't shoot me Stevie and I won't shoot you. Please?" He asks trying to sound innocent. 

"Fine... why?" Steve asks wearily 

"Because we're friends."


"Well, actually I was wondering if you want to be more than friends..." Bucky says seductively 

"What do you mean?" Steve asks very confusedly. He was positive Buckys banter was fake and just for fun. Maybe he means that again Steve thinks. All of a sudden Bucky pushes Steve into the corner. 

"This is what I mean." And then Bucky kisses Steve quite harshly but Steve kisses back. Bucky breaks apart and looks at Steve dead in the eye.

"I am serious about being more than friends but..." and then Bucky shoots Steve and walks away.  Steve watches as he walks away and then walks out the door his mouth gaping open. In the end, Bucky wins the game. (I mean what else do you expect from a military-trained sniper.) Also, Bucky and Steve got into a happy healthy relationship that lasted until the end of the line. 

A/N: Sorry guy's this was meant to come up yesterday but I didn't have time with having to go to prison a.k.a. school. Also what the hell guys! 3 days ago we had just got over 100 reads but yesterday we broke 200. Thanks so much! I love you guys so much!

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