The Truth on the New Kid pt. 2

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A/N: Trigger warning for abuse.

"Sh*t, this is not going to end well!" Steve mumbled to himself as he ran home as fast as he can, which to be honest wasn't that fast because he had bad asthma. 

"Sorry Uncle Eric! I was just staying after school to finish some homework." he had to lie to his uncle. Uncle Eric could not know he had started to make friends or it would not end well. 

"That's your second strike this week Steven!" Eric yelled infuriated "One more time and this time it won't be the stairs or the belt." Steve never actually fell down the stairs by accident, his uncle pushed him. That's the way his uncle punished him.  The bruises that covered the rest of his body which no one saw was from when his uncle whipped him with his belt. 

"Sorry Uncle Eric, I promise it won't happen again." Steve was terrified of his uncle at the moment. Sometimes he was nice, but that was when other people were around. Steve wanted to feel safe so he did what he normally did, ran up to his room locked the door and sketched. He usually sketched his mom or what he imagined characters from his favourite book looked like, but this time he was sketching Bucky. Steve still felt weird after he hugged Bucky so he thought this might clear it up. Weeeelllllll, it did something to clear it up however it didn't make Steve happy. As he started to sketch his new friend he started to realize that his friend was extremely beautiful. This made Steve upset because he knew Bucky could never love him back, I mean he was straight as an arrow right?

~~~Not a time skip just going to Bucky now. WHOOSH~~~

As soon as Steve left he grabbed his phone and immediately called Natasha.

"'Tasha we need to talk!" You could hear how shaky Bucky was through the phone.

"Can it be done over the phone?"

"No 'Tasha! This is important! I can come over if that's easier."

"Fine, come over if it's that serious but remember you owe me one Barnes." Natasha hated being bugged after school was over.


Bucky got to Natasha's house and began knocking nervously on the door. 

"Come in!" she yelled. Bucky let himself in and went to find where Natasha was at. He found her in the office room on the second floor. She was doing a project for school. 

"What was so important Bucky?"

"Well I didn't talk to Steve all day during school so I caught up with him after school and he was bruised all over his face, like extremely bad"

"Oh my gosh! Is he okay?"

"Well I took him to the cafe so we could talk about it and he said he was fine and he just fell down some stairs."

"Well it's good he's okay but is that seriously all you had to say?" You could hear the anger in her voice.

"No. I have something else..." he went quieter towards the end sentence 

"Well spit it out Bucky,"

"Well after we had coffee I gave him a hug, but it was just like a bro-hug with a pat on the back."

"So what?" She honestly felt that Bucky was wasting her time. Sure she was glad Steve was okay but she didn't know he was hurt in the first place so what was the point of all this.

"When we did that I guess I felt something like my heart skipped beats and my stomach was in a knot. I-- I think I love him." He could barely get that last sentence out. 

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