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Bucky has been sick for a few weeks and now was transferred to the hospital. He doesn't know what's wrong with him, but they give him antibiotics that make him loopy. So loopy that he had to get a new nurse and he's really really good looking.

"HELLO NURSE STEVEN!!!!" Bucky yelled because of the antibiotics.

"Hi, James. Also, you know you can call me Steve."

"Then call me Bucky!" he said really hyped up.

"I'm going to go grab your lunch and I'll be right back okay?"

"Okay..." Buck said sadly. He liked Steve and really didn't want him to go. If he didn't know Steve was coming back he would have used puppy eyes and begged him using 'Stevie' instead of just Steve.

Steve walked out and closed the door behind him.

Bucky decided he wanted to build a pillow fort. He grabbed all the pillows he could find in his small room and piled them into a mountain. Then he added some blankets. He climbed into his little pillow mountress and just sat there. Steve came back with his lunch. Chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and corn.

"Bucky, I have your lunch. Do you wanna come out?" Steve said


"Come on Bucky. You need to come out."

"Fiff meff!" Bucky called crushed by pillows.

"What?" Steve asked

"Fight me!" Bucky called more clearly from underneath the pillows. Steve set the tray down on the bedside table and walked to Bucky's mountain.

"Maybe later," he said as he started taking the pillows off.

"Ahwww! You're no fun." Bucky said as Steve took the final pillow off.

"I know. I'm going to go and get me some lunch. Okay?"

"Can you come back and eat it in here? PLEASE??" Bucky really sounded like a child.


"Please Stevie? I want to eat with Stevie!" Bucky cried.

"Fine, but I can't tomorrow okay?" Steve said agreeing


"I could tell you Bucky, but I'd rather not. I'll still see you though so don't worry." Steve said consoling.

"Fine, hurry up and go get your lunch!" Bucky urged. Steve left to go get his lunch and then headed back to Bucky.

"YAY! STEVIE"S BACK!" Bucky shouted

"Shhhhh, Bucky. You have to be a little quieter." Steve said

"Fine," Bucky said sulkily

"So what do you want to talk about?" Steve asked before shoving some chicken in his mouth.

"How about secrets?" Bucky asked

"Sure tell me a secret."

"You're a good friend," Bucky whispered in Steves' ear, "now you tell me a secret."

"You're very funny," Steve whispered in Bucky's ear.

"Okay! What else should we do?" Bucky asked very excitedly because he was running low on antibiotics and finished his meal.

"Well you can watch Tv and I'll go set these plates outside, then get your antibiotics set up so you can take them. Okay?"

"Fine. Can you turn on CW and see if Supernatural is on?" Bucky asked. Steve went and turned on the Tv and immediately Supernatural was on. He took Bucky and his tray and placed it on a rack outside the door and went back into Bucky's room to prepare the antibiotics. He prepared a new water needle (I don't think that's a thing but whatever.) and got his pills in order.

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