A new begining

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Once again I suck at titles
Also I know Jazmine is Veronica and JDs daughter in my other story, but Jasmine in this story is actually the reason she has that name. I've had this idea for a while, but didn't act on it until now.
Enjoy the beginning!!

"Smile for the camera!" Elizabeth Avery said, smiling herself as she captured a picture of her fifteen-year-old daughter, Jasmine. It was her first day of sophomore year and Elizabeth loved capturing even the smallest milestones of her daughter's life. It was even the smallest things that made being a mother, especially a single mother, worth it.
   "Mom, do we have to take a picture every first do of school? It's sophomore year, not senior year." Jasmine rolled her eyes before smiling for yet another picture. "You're not gonna make me do this when I go to college, are you?
  "Of course I am!" Elizabeth said, beaming with both pride and excitement for her daughter. "Now please, love, make sure you stop by the theater after school this afternoon. I really want you to be in my production this year." Jasmine rolled her eyes in disgust. Her mother had owned and ran the local community theater as long as she could remember. When she was little, Jasmine loved nothing more than being in the spotlight, performing in front of an audience filled with the people of her community. That was until her parents' divorce when her Father left without so much as a good by to his only child. After he left, the idea of theater simply annoyed her, and she wanted nothing to do with it.
   "Yeah, sure mom." She grumbled, brushing her dirty blonde hair behind her ears. "See ya after school, Mom."
  Jasmine stepped into the surprisingly cool September air, glancing at the Long Island Sound far off into the distance to her left, and began her walk to school. A little girl sped past her, nearly running into her as she ran back and forth across the concrete sidewalk. Her Father, called out her name multiple times, but the little girl, Jessie, ignored him.
   "I'm gonna be a star one day, Daddy!" Jessie declared, standing on a bench as her make belive stage, "I'll be on broadway and sing forever!" the little girl ran into her father's arms as Jasmine shook her head and continued in the opposite direction.
  She remembered when she was around that age, with the same dream. We all start with stars in our eyes, Jasmine thought to herself, until you learn your dreams are impossible and silly, so you move on with life. Her train of thought was broken when a boy around her age, ran into Jasmine, knocking her to the ground.
     "Hey!" She screamed from the floor, the boy quickly turned around and offered his hand, which she resentfully took. The boy pulled her into a hidden Allie way to offer his apologies.
   "I'm so sorry about that!" He said, emphasizing his sincerity by putting his hand on her shoulder. For a moment, the two teenagers stared at each other. Jasmine studied his features, chocolatey brown hair that seemed to sparkle in the sun, with eyes as green as a forest, and freckles sprinkled perfectly across his face. "I- um I'm Cacey, by the way." Cacey studied her too, She had dirty blonde hair that flowed to the middle of her back and curled at the ends, in the sun it looked as if it could be caramel gracefully dripping from the top of her head. She had beautiful blue eyes that you could get lost in, and gorgeous curves that suited her in all the right places.
  "You should be more careful," Jasmine stated, subconsciously pulling up her blank and blue striped shirt that was under a light denim jacket. "And my name is Jasmine." Cacey smiled, making blood rush to her cheeks, and something flutter in her stomach. "Anyway," Jasmine shook her head, "I have to get to school and -" Panic set in as she reached towards her back, only for there to be nothing there. "Crap! I forgot my Back pa-"
    "I'm gonna beat your ass, Fisher!" Called a very angry boy, who Jasmine didn't recognize from school. He was much taller than Cacey, and he was decently tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, maybe a football player? She wouldn't know, she never paid attention to who was who in school. Though one thing she did know, is that he was very, very angry. Before she could even get a breath in, Cacey he grasped her hand in his, running as far away as possible in the opposite direction.
   "I'm sorry," Jasmine exhaled, exhausted from running from some kid she had nothing to do with for ten minutes. "But who was that and why was I running?"
  That was this kid named Ash Carson." Cacey let go of her hand, biting his lip, "Let's just say we, uh, don't like each other."
"I can tell."
Jasmine's face suddenly dropped, realizing it was now well into first period and here she was, with a boy she just met, after running from someone she doesn't even know. God, when she thought about it in her head, it sounded like one of those online stories you read when you're bored and can't sleep at night. She'd never been late to school, and even if she was her Mom was pretty easy going about a few minutes here and there, but twenty-five minutes? Her mother was going to KILL her!
  "It doesn't matter, it's the first day of school and we're already late and-"
"And neither of us have our bags." Cacey said with another smile, "The first day of school is boring anyway, that's why I never go." Jasmine looked at him like he'd broken some major law, and it made him smile even more.
  "We can't just skip school, are you crazy?"
  "Yes." Cacey answered nonchalantly, "Come on, it won't be that bad! Besides, I wanna show you something." He motioned for her to follow him but she didn't move, in fact, she stepped back. This was crazy! Why would she trust a boy she just met to take her to an unknown place AND skip school. The idea was ridiculous! This wasn't some coming of age movie, this was real life where you have to go to school and get a job! Not run away with some mysterious boy!
  "You really need to live a little." Cacey laughed at her panic like he was reading her mind or something, "We're not running away, we're skipping school to have fun. Relax. It's the first day, you won't miss anything anyway. And if it makes you feel better I'll walk with you to school tomorrow, and we'll never skip again, okay?" Cacey grabbed her hand again, and his calming voice finally convinced her.
"So, where exactly are we going?"
"You'll see!" Cacey said in a sing-song voice, leading her onto a dirt path in the middle of the woods.
  "Y'know, they were gonna turn these woods into a community pool or small amusement park, or something like that," Jasmine told Cacey, trying to keep a conversation and partially make sure he wasn't trying to murder her. After all, he did convince her to skip school and was taking her into the woods, it didn't exactly sound ideal. "I never knew why they didn't though. It seems like such a nice place."
"That's because the town has the Bars and the Theater, that's pretty much all our town cares about, but even then nobody does anything here." Cacey, unfortunately, was right. Lately, no one seemed interested in anything, business was slow everywhere, even in the theater. Which Jasmine remembered used to be the main attraction of the town. Still, even though she did have a stable job on the side, her mother always made sure the Theater stayed running.
  "Funny you mention that my Mom owns the theater."
  "Cool. You into music?"
"Nah, not really, you?"
  The two continued to talk, and Jasmine decided he was probably not a murderer and that she would be fine, hopefully. There were only two outcomes she could think of for this situation. Option one, Cacey actually is a murderer and she's never heard from again, or Option two, the better option, this would be the beginning of a wonderful story to tell one day. Okay, maybe the second option was way too cheesy, but it's a hell of a lot better than the first. Maybe they would just end up good friends, Jasmine thought, but at the very least it's a very interesting begging to a very interesting friendship.

I know this chapter didn't have much to do with Musical theater, but I promise we will get into that very very soon. Hope you guys liked it!!
Oh! If you want to see me make Jasmine and Cacey in the sims, follow my tik tok @xoxo_Brookeg

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