17| Service Station Satisfaction

Start from the beginning

"Hi there."

He looked shocked at my sudden arrival, glancing around to see where I'd come from. However, when his eyes met Luca's icy blues, his thinned in suspicion.

"I don't want no trouble, miss." He put down the newspaper he'd been reading and swallowed sharply. I followed the movement of his throat with hungry eyes.

"Oh brilliant because as it happens, neither do I." I leant forward across the table, closing the gap between us and using my compulsion to purr, "You're not going to feel a thing and you're going to stay right there in your seat."

"Nice touch." Luca complimented, but I soon forgot about his presence behind me because I could feel the foreign heat under the man's skin. Hear the sound of a thudding pulse so close to the surface and yet covered from view like hidden treasure. It was a good thing my job was to uncover the glorious goods beneath.

The man reached up to hit me but paused upon seeing the dark veins beneath my eyes, the flash of white canines as I watched the pulsing beat beneath his skin. He opened his mouth, to scream or beg I wasn't quite sure, but my teeth came down swiftly, crushing his windpipe before a single noise could leave his throat. The sudden gush of blood from his right carotid artery was warm, quenching the thirst that burned my chest. I continued to drink, gulping down the sweet liquid, barely aware of Luca's close presence behind me.

"Alright Eve, keep your head." His voice was soft yet commanding, altering me of his presence but trying not to assert himself as competition for the blood. I could feel the strain on the man's arteries as his blood became thicker and clogged. His body was about to go into shock if I didn't pull away. I detached from his neck, still wrapping my head around why I desired his blood so desperately.

"Impressive." Luca nodded his head in admiration at my restraint which had allowed me to stop so suddenly. I took a couple of deep breaths to try and override my prevailing hunger before letting go of the man's body. I knew that I needed to let Luca heal him but couldn't bring myself to do anything other than breathe.

I felt horrible and euphoric at the same time, my body was on a blood high and yet I felt like a monster for feeding on an innocent man. I dropped the body, allowing the man to slump to the floor and then glanced up at Luca with pleading eyes. This was worse than killing Kellan in the back alley as he'd been a rapist and a thief, whereas this man could have a family, kids who relied on him. Oh God...

"Hey, Evie." His voice was unnervingly soft as he called out to me and I turned away from him, unable to face him. I didn't want him anywhere near me. I didn't want anyone near me. I was a monster and wanted nothing more than to disappear into the floor as though I'd never existed at all.

"You okay?" His body was a blur of movement before instantly reappearing right before me. His eyes searched mine for any evidence of instability before forcing my face up to his when I tried to avoid eye contact. He studied my face intently. I knew it was his way of checking in with me to make sure I wasn't freaked out about the whole transition. I was kind of starting to love that about him.

"I-" My reply stalled in my throat. I couldn't find the strength to be honest when it meant revealing the vulnerable side of myself. The part that was breakable beyond repair. He implored me for an answer and my skin prickled at the undeniable energy between myself and the man who had kidnapped me. The man who had given me every reason to fear him and yet despite it all, I'd chosen to stay.

"I am fine. I'm just gonna head to the little girls room." I told him, pointing in the general direction of the toilets with a tight lipped smile. Not wanting him to see the pain on my face I quickly added, "Can you clean up this mess?"

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