10| Hit The Road Jack

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Outside of the bedroom, the most common place for adults in the U.S. to have sex is the car.

Luca's p.o.v

I tell myself I'm not interested in relationships and dating in general because I am constantly piled down with work. It consumes my life and consequently I get a kick out of pushing myself to the limits, tracking down assassination targets and bringing the bad guys to justice. I'm no hero by a long shot, but there's far worse than me out there.

It's been all I've known for years now, scouring through binders and files until the early hours, researching my victims and memorising the geography of our next location. I live life for the next kill, the next victim. I want to be the best at our job, the cleanest. So naturally, dating and women have been the least of my priorities. However, after 25 years of fulfilling the role of a playboy, master of one night stands and unstable relationships, maybe I was ready for something more?

I immediately laughed off the idea with an eye roll bigger than the spring temple buddha Jax had dragged me and Lewis to go see last spring. Luca Waverley and monogamy were not two things that went hand in hand. They were safer when kept far, far away from each other, and yet my eyes instinctively darted toward the backseat. Back to where Evie... or as she preferred me to call her, Evelyn sat.

Just thinking back to her stunned expression when I'd revealed my face in the club and her demand for me to use her full name, caused me to smile. My eyes fell to her soft skin, remembering the feel of her hot breath on my neck, and a confusing rush of heat coated my chest. I turned away and back to the road ahead, running an aggravated hand through my hair. Through the overhead mirror, my eyes caught sight of the odd expression on my face and I immediately shook it off, disturbed by the way she made me feel.

I was completely baffled by my draw to her. The woman was impossible to forget about, not that I'd tried very hard to do so, but that was beside the point. Even when I was with Lewis and Jax, working my ass off or partying it up like we're still eighteen and reckless, she's there in my head. She won't fucking get out and I'm beginning to go crazy.

And now here she was, bundled up in the back of the truck, looking so innocent and vulnerable that it made me want to pull over at the nearest rest stop and force her to run far, far away from me. I was bad news. I'm no Ted Bundy, but I'm guessing that if one were able to read his mind, mine wouldn't be too dissimilar from his right now. I sounded mental and practically deranged, but then I began to wonder how one finds themselves in the shoes of Bundy... Is there a gateway activity that led to serial killing and kidnapping women? Was this my gateway crime?

I sure as hell hoped not. Although, I wouldn't refuse the offer of having my own Netflix show and blockbuster movie as long as the main lead was Zack Efron. That man's muscles could certainly rival my own.

The life I was dragging Eve into was far from safe and the possibility of her not outliving the first week of becoming a Survivor was high, but I had to try. It made me sick to my stomach seeing her tied up in the back seat but it was the only way Lewis would allow her to come with us. I knew it wasn't fair to take her against her will but there really wasn't much else we could do. Life wasn't fair in general, I should know. I hadn't asked for this life either.

Evelyn was already showing symptoms of having the mutation and without us she wouldn't survive the week. The government would interfere and silence her before she saw her first sunrise. With us, she had a chance. A slim chance, but a chance nonetheless. Something deep inside me knew she would fit into our trio well, even if she didn't realise it herself yet.

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