13| Hiden In Plain Sight

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The average vagina is 3 to 4 inches long but can expand by 200% when sexually aroused.

Evelyn's p.o.v

I had stayed quiet during the three hour drive, allowing Luca to drive across Belgium in relative silence. It was probably best that we kept our interactions to a minimum and the occasional conversation we had held, while stopped for petrol or the toilet, were not anything memorable enough to recall. The fact I still had to urinate even though I was technically dead had sparked some initial irritation; talk about unfair.

It didn't take long for me to take advantage of Luca's dislike of keeping me hostage in their group. He wanted to give me the choice of either staying or leaving without force and so I'd made my choice.

Said choice, had seemed obvious after three hours cramped up in Luca's truck. We had travelled in comfortable silence for most of the journey until he grumbled a soft curse about needing petrol and five minutes later the truck had pulled into a small gas station just off the main road. He hopped out to fill up the truck, leaving me inside as he fussed about, making sure everything was as it should be with the tyre pressure and water.

The driver's side door swung open a few minutes later and Luca's face slid into my line of vision, his ever assessing eyes sweeping over my form where I sat, knees tucked up under my chin in the passenger seat. I tried to avoid that captivating gaze and kept my eyes on the small kiosk in front, where people were paying for their petrol and grabbing some snacks for the journey ahead.

"I'm just gonna go into the shop and pay for this petrol, do you want anything from inside? Any snacks, water, have a favourite magazine?" He asked, offering a timid smile in my direction. "Playboy?" I began to feel slightly guilty for the plan formulating in my head, but I knew I wouldn't get another opportunity to escape quite like this one. An easy escape without having to give explanations for leaving or listen to Luca convince me to stay.

"Actually, I could kill for a hot americano and one of those skinny, blueberry muffins." I motioned towards the costa coffee stand situated just inside the shop and Luca nodded his head, agreeing that coffee sounded good and mentioned getting one himself. I chose to ignore his playboy jibe.

"I won't be long." He turned and for a heartbeat I glimpsed something diabolical in his eyes, the kind of dark, restless power that had recently been the premise of all my nightmares. But then he blinked and it was gone, replaced by a mask of indifference. "Try to keep out of trouble while I'm inside, yeah?" With that he slammed the truck door shut, casting one last look over his shoulder in my direction before I watched the back of his head disappear inside the shop.

Suddenly, the mental hourglass tipped and sand grains began to fall by the thousand, my time running out until Luca returned to the truck. If I was going to run away, then now was the perfect time. He would simply leave the shop to find an empty vehicle waiting for him and know that I'd changed my mind about joining them in their crazy lifestyle. Sure, I was scared to venture out into the world as a lone survivor but I'd find a way to cope, I always did. I was a born Survivor.

I didn't wait around to see Luca's reaction to my sudden disappearance, instead using my newfound speed to my advantage and headlining away from the small kiosk and back to the main road in a matter of seconds. Just pulling out of the gas station was a large lorry, with an older man sat upfront in the divers seat, just tucking into a footlong sub as he steered the large vehicle out of the station and onto the main road, heading in the direction Luca and I had just returned from. Perfect.

"Hey! Stop, please! Please help me!" I ran straight out in front of the vehicle's path, waving my arms around like a lunatic in order to gain the attention of the lorry driver. Looking down at the road ahead and the skimpily dressed girl in his path, he stopped the lorry dead and the eyes in his sockets looked as though they would pop out in surprise.

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