16| Speak Of The Devil

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Avocados are known as the "fruit of the testicle tree" and are believed to have aphrodisiac qualities.

Luca's p.o.v

I nursed my third beer and pretended to fit in at the seedy, run down bar we had found ourselves holstered up in. I've always hated this part of my job as an assassin, waiting out a victim and knowing he was somewhere in the bar but the exact location being unclear. My assumption was the restrooms near the far end, but until he came out into the main bar, we couldn't be sure. So here I was, sat on a rickety bar stool, drinking cheap watered down beer and carefully surveying the surrounding people.

My eyes scanned the room for his profile, a 45 year old man named Kellan, dark hair and a large scar running along his temple. It wasn't much to go on, but we had gone on far less information before now and come up successful. Tonight we would see just how far Evelyn could push her skills with our target and I was beyond excited to see her at her full, malicious potential.

Kellan's life was wanted for embezzling money from the government and running a high profile prostitution ring. If we were successful tonight then his life would reward us greatly and make Eve's first payout beyond adequate.

"How did it go the other day?" Lewis asked from beside me, his lips damp from the beer bottle currently perched between his hands. He was referring to my trip back to Amsterdam to collect some of Eve's belongings, not that there was much to get. She really did live on the bare minimum, which was surprising considering the kind of money her side job as a Call Girl added up to.

I had gotten her out of some serious debt the other week and yet her bedroom hadn't held the evidence of someone with a serious drug problem; no baggies, needles or bongs, and even less evidence of someone without their life put together. There wasn't even any prescription Xanax or medical drugs other than paracetamol. Absolutely nothing, nada. Except for a considerable amount of shoes and her roommate's colourful collection of contraband, something didn't add up and I was determined to find out what it was.

"Yeah, I managed to get her important documents. There's an ex-boyfriend that might cause us some trouble and a worried friend, but that's about it. We've got a clean trail." I picked up my drink and swallowed two large gulps, unwilling to voice my concerns to Lewis despite our close friendship. There was something Eve wasn't telling us and I wasn't going to trust anyone else with this information.

"Well, that's something, I guess." He tipped his half empty bottle in her direction and added, "Maybe she will help us after all, girl knows how to work her way around a bar, that's for sure."

I didn't want to, but I ended up peering over my shoulder to see if she was still chatting with some guy at a small table on the other side of the bar. From the limited choice of clothes I'd found in her room, tonight she'd gone for leather pants and a revealing crop top, paired with knee high stiletto boots that seemed to be a big hit with every man, and even a few women, in the bar. To my distaste, she was still talking to the same guy and even more unsettling was the way he was making her laugh.

"Who is she even talking to? Is he a client?" I asked, but there was a hint of dangerous jealousy in my tone that I didn't want to acknowledge. Besides, it was probably just because I wanted to be flirting with other people too, right? We needed her to be focused on the current task at hand but instead she'd swanned off to chat up some random guy. Very unprofessional if you asked me.

"Oh yeah, that's a potential new client with some serious cash, his name is Danny and he actually seems pretty cool." I tried to listen to what Lewis was telling me, but all I could focus on was the way that Eve was leaning in closer to hear what Danny had to say over the loud bass playing through the speakers. If she leaned any closer, they'd kiss.

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