"It's my fault, really." Peter frowned, "I was too hard on him."

Y/n stepped forward slightly, "No, it's my fault. I should've gone back for him when I escaped the Witch's castle."

I put my hands on both of their shoulders and looked at Aslan, "We're all to blame."

"Sir, he's our brother." Lucy pleaded. He nodded slightly.

"I know, dear one. But that only makes the betrayal all the worse." He looked up at Peter, "This may be harder than you think."



After meeting Aslan he pulled me aside and told me to practice my magic while I could. According to him, the battle between Aslan's army and the Witch's would most likely be very soon and I needed to do everything I could to prepare for it. He also explained the basics of my magic which I was very thankful for seeing as I was practically winging it. My magic was within me at all times, and the panpipes were my way of getting it out easily but they weren't necessary. He also explained that my magic could heal and grow things, but could also be very destructive if I needed it to be. I need only focus on what I want to happen and it will bend to my will.

With that quick lesson, he sent me to meet Susan and Lucy in our tent to freshen up. When I entered the beautiful red tent I was surprised to see we had actual beds to sleep in instead of sleeping bags. Not only that but we also had our own trunks full of Narnian clothes, which Lucy and Susan were already digging through. I chuckled and opened my trunk, gazing at the beautiful dresses of dark red and green. I pulled out the red one on top and laid it on my bed before grabbing a nearby brush and fixing my messy hair. Susan and Lucy were already changing into their dresses so I quickly threw mine on and admired the soft fabric. Narnian clothes were so much better than modern clothes.

"Y/n, you look lovely!" Lucy squealed from behind me. I turned to see her in a similar dress only light blue.

"You do too, Lucy!" I looked up at Susan behind Lucy in a green dress, "And you, Susan. The green looks very nice with your hair."

"Thank you, Y/n. I'm going to go to the stream to fix my hair up a bit in its reflection, would either of you like to come?"

Lucy quickly accepted but I shook my head, "I need to practice my magic, but you two go on."

"Oh! I heard Peter say he was going to go practice with his sword on the hill over there, you could practice together." Lucy suggested.

"That's a great idea, I'll go meet him there." I waved goodbye and left the tent, draping the pipes around my neck.

Old leaves crunched under my feet as I walked up the hill and kept my eyes peeled for Peter. I spotted him at the edge of a cliff overlooking the valley and sea as he lunged and stabbed with his sword in the air.

"Peter!" I called. He looked up at me and set the tip of his sword down.

"Y/n, what are you doing up here?"

"I need to practice my magic and when I heard you were practicing your sword fighting up here I thought I could join you."

He smiled a little but I could tell he was distracted, "All right, but don't get too close or else I might accidentally slice your head off."

I smiled and nodded then walked over to a large rock a ways away from Peter. I sat down in the shade and watched the grass sway in the wind, letting my eyes close. I took a deep breath, opened my eyes, and brought my pipes up to my lips. Blowing softly, I played a song I had never heard of before and focused on the grass in front of me. I willed small flowers to grow from the ground and smiled when they did, then moved on to willing the small tree saplings to grow. The strands of light twirled around the saplings, pulling and stretching them towards the sky as they grew. I stopped playing when they reached full height, and now there were three fully-grown trees on top of the hill. I sighed and wiped my brow, it felt like I had just done gym class with a really hyperactive teacher instructing it.

"Well done, Y/n."

I jumped and looked up, meeting the warm eyes of the majestic lion. I stood up and smiled, "Thank you."

He turned to walk toward Peter and gestured for me to follow. As I walked next to him I noticed that Peter had stopped practicing and was gazing at something in the distance. We stopped next to him and I stood with my mouth open, staring at the sparkling castle on a seaside cliff in the distance.

"That is Cair Paravel, the castle of the five thrones." Aslan explained and looked at Peter, "In one of which you will sit, Peter, as High King. And you, Y/n, as Queen."

Peter looked down at his feet.

"You doubt The Prophecy?" Aslan questioned.

"No. That's just it. Aslan, I'm not what you all think I am." Peter cried.

"Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley." Aslan met Peter's surprised eyes, "Beaver also mentioned that you planned on turning him into a hat." Peter and I chuckled.

"Children, there is a Deep Magic, more powerful than any of us, that rules over all of Narnia. It defines right from wrong and governs all our destinies. Yours... and mine."

"But I couldn't even protect my own family!" Peter argued.

"You've brought them safely this far," I pointed out.

"Not all of them." He mumbled.

"Peter, I will do what I can to help your brother, but I need you to consider what I ask of you." Aslan turned to me, "And you, Y/n."

He gazed at the camp below us, "I, too, want my family safe."



My wrists were being rubbed raw by the course rope the Witch's men tied me to a tree with. They had even gagged me for some reason which was not comfortable with my cut lip. And was a little beaten up from her henchmen, so I had bruises and cuts all over my face, but nothing severe. Not to mention I was being held captive in the Witch's army's camp. Overall my situation was great.

Ginarrbrik's gravelly voice made me look up, "Is our little prince uncomfortable?" He taunted. "Does he want his pillow fluffed?"

I glared at him. "Special treatment for the special boy! Isn't that what you wanted?"

Thank you, Ginarrbrik, I realize I messed up, way to rub it in. I watched him walk away and I was left to my own thoughts again. The only thing I could think of was how I was ever going to make it up to my siblings and Y/n. Especially Y/n. I mean sure, I abandoned my siblings in an attempt to be better than Peter, but I lead Y/n straight into danger without her knowing. She might never forgive me for that.

-Things are getting interestinggg. I am so excited for the war (that came out wrong) cuz I've got some cool things planned for Y/n vs the Witch. Thanks for reading!-


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