Due to his silence, I take the opportunity to explain as I say shortly, "We grew up together. He's supposed to be one of my best friends who supports me in everything I do." 

"And she's supposed to be back home instead of out here. Guess we can't always get what we want all the time, can we?" Ashton seethes seemingly getting more pissed off by the second that I'm here.

I feel myself getting angrier by the second and I'm just about to speak up and defend myself when Michael does it for me.

"I think it's admirable that she came out here to protect her family and keep the ones she loves safe. That takes guts."

I can't help but feel the corners of my lips curve up at Michael's words. Finally, someone who's appreciating and acknowledging the fact that I did this as an act of love, not one of stupidity. It seems as if all anyone wants to do is shame the fact that I'm here so for him to do otherwise makes me so thankful that there's someone out here who has my back.

"Her brother and myself care a lot about her and just want for her to be safe," Ashton says looking at me quickly, as if making sure I'm listening, before looking back to Michael. "Out here, I can't keep her safe."

Michael laughs a little before saying, "She's a big girl, she can take care of herself. She doesn't need you or her brother to do that for her."

I have to resist the urge to throw my arms around Michael and pull him in for a bone crushing hug as he's really standing up for me above and beyond. 

"Girl's shouldn't be out here," Ashton says coldly, seeming to not know what else to say.

"Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she can't be as good as you or myself," Michael continues, not backing down in the slightest as he's fighting for my rights right now.

His words are incredibly comforting as he clearly believes in me and actually has faith in me. This is all I need considering no one here believes in me, even I don't even believe in me. However, Michael clearly does and that's enough for me to feel the slightest bit better.

"If it comes to throwing yourself in a field where you know nothing about, that also has your life at risk, you have to be an idiot not brave," Ashton says making my jaw clench. 

If it weren't for Michael constantly firing back at him, I would've released all my frustration on him right this second. 

"Considering I don't know anything beyond video games and I was forced into this due to my dad not approving of my dream to be a musician, I wouldn't say I'm an idiot, more so unlucky," Michael says making my heart hurt for him. However, I know that's the perfect comeback due to the way Ashton's been speaking.

Ashton seems taken aback by Michael's words as he stares at him, not really knowing what else to say. Clearly, Michael caught him off guard and made his words sound a lot worse than he probably meant for them to.

"And I would consider Lila just as unlucky as myself considering she came from a family with a dad in a wheelchair and a brother without an arm. Seems as if she didn't have much of an option either," Michael continues, putting Ashton to shame as I'm sure Ashton has nothing more to say. 

I can't believe I witnessed him sticking up for me against my best friend who is continuously shooting me down and treating me like a kid. I've known this guy barely for a day and I already know he'll be one of the most important people to me here. 

Do I add input? Should I say something to further the conversation? Do I just keep walking and let them battle it out?

Luckily, Ashton decides to be the one to say something as opens his mouth but is quickly beat to it by a loud booming voice coming from behind me, "Alright everyone, listen up!"

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