Once we get back to the other side of the lot the guys offer me quick hugs before they leave on their way to get some food.

I walk up to Crystal's trailer and knock on the open door while I climb up the rest of the steps "Hey"

Crystal smiles when I walk inside the doorway and sets her phone down "Oh perfect, Holland just said she's walking over now."

She hands me a Dr. Pepper and I smile hesitantly, looking from her to the beverage in my hand "Damn this is serious"

"Why do you say that" she questions with a little laugh and I throw her an incredulous look as I slightly lift the drink up "You're always yelling at me for drinking this and now you're giving me one– with no speech on how my organs are plotting my death by slowly dying with every sip."

"I don't say that every time..." she trails off with a little grimace and I scoff lightly "I love you, but you do."

"I just want you to drink healthier options some of the time" she shrugs and I quickly defend "I drink plenty of healthy crap a lot of the time."

Crossing her arms over her front, she smirks "Like...."

"I drink water and whatever those green smoothie concoction things you told my mum about are, thanks for that by the way, and I mean I drink coffee... which has more water in it."

Crystal snorts and uncrosses her arms, throwing them out to her sides exasperatedly "Don't even get me started on the coffee–"

I scoff lightly and throw her a look "Woman if you even think I could be half the person I am standing in front of you today without caffeinated sustenance, you best leave my coffee out of the list of things I'm not allowed to drink."

She laughs and holds up her hands in a surrender "I gave up on changing your drinks of choice a long time ago."

"Why are we arguing about drinks?" Holl questions as she walks up the stairs and Crystal closes the door behind her once she's inside, answering with a laugh "We're just debating the health of drinking coffee–"

"With Addy?" Holland snorts, looking between us with how crazy that sounds "You're debating coffee habits.. with.. Addy?"

Crystal ponders that for a second before she scrunches her mouth to the side and we all bust up laughing. So what? I like my coffee– there could be worse vices to have.

We spend a few more minutes talking before Holland and I are ushered over to take seats on the couch.

Crystal opts to stand in front of us before she sits down beside me– only to stand up a second later and we watch her start pacing in front of us.

My brows twitch as I watch her and I share a look out of the corner of my eye with Holl before I make a little noise "All right spill, what's going on– what do you need to talk to us about?"

Crystal brings her hands in front of her, wringing them together with her obvious nerves and I'm officially starting to get worried "Crys?"

She stops her steps right in front of us and looks between us "I uh– I've really been thinking this past summer... really since we were filming the first half of this season...." she trails off softly and I draw my brows in a little, having an idea where this is going and I hope I'm wrong.

Crystal clears her throat and continues "I've been chatting with Jeff about it these past few weeks and I just– I think it's time..."

"Time for what exactly?" Holl questions, earning me to look over at her quickly as I swallow thickly and look back up to Crystal.

From Work, With Love || Dylan O'BrienOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora