11. A Familiar Energy

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    A energy beam had almost hit me. If it weren't for Trunks warning, who knows what would have happened. 

"Wow Y/n! That was a great block! But who would want to hurt you?" I take some time to think.

 I then remember sensing a power level which was high enough for me to sense it. Then I remember that this was the same power level that I sensed the day Trunks was attacked. I thought that it was the power level of someone in the distance, not anyone trying to harm us. 

"Trunks... this energy is the same energy that I sensed the day you were attacked. Did you sense it?" 

Trunks eyes widen.

"Y/n... you're right! We've gotta be more careful! But what do we tell the doctor..."

  We call the doctor, and explain how a bird randomly crashed into the window. 

"It was fat! It's weight sure made a big hole! Right Y/n?" 

The doctor tells us that we didn't have to worry, and that he'd get it fixed. We thank him, and he exits the room. Trunks told me that it wouldn't be safe to stay here, and I agreed. I told him that I'd see him tomorrow. I rush out of the hospital doors, with one big question in my head. Who could be targeting us... and why?

Those Blue Eyes (Trunks x Reader) 🌌💜Where stories live. Discover now