8. A Visit

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    I decided to see how Trunks was doing. I've been visiting him every day, and he has been calling me from his hospital phone. He says that he has been recovering quickly. I walk into Wukong Hospital and give the receptionist my name. I tell her that I was here for Trunks. She gives me my name tag, and I head over to his room. I walk in and see him eating Saltine Crackers. 

"Y/n!" He shouts. 

I give him a big hug and I hand him the teddy bear I bought him. He thanks me, and stares at me for what seemed like a long time. After the strange moment of silence, he smiles. 

"I see you've gotten stronger. You're probably stronger than me now." He admits. 

I place a hand on his shoulder and tell him, 

"Once you're fully recovered we can finally spar." His smile widens, and he nods. 

Those Blue Eyes (Trunks x Reader) 🌌💜Where stories live. Discover now