2. My Brother?!

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I finally wake up after the several times Bulla has claimed to be calling me. I get ready for the day and start to head towards the dining room with Bulla. She then gets a call from her boyfriend, Goten, and says that she'll be right back. I enter the dining room and I see Trunks sitting down at the table. He's prepared a plate for himself, and also another person. 

"Mornin' Y/n! Since you're a special guest here, I hope you like the breakfast that I made. It took a lot of effort cooking breakfast like this, so I really hope you like it!" He says while smiling. I smile back, and thank him. I asked why he wasn't training today and he said that he is taking a break. He also said that training yesterday was exhausting, and that he really needed rest after that. He tells me that he will start training again right before he spars with me. 

"I think Trunks may be taking a break so that he can spar with you, Y/n!" Bulma says, while walking into the kitchen. "He prepared a meal for both of you, and totally forgot about his darling mother!" 

Bulla out of no where also adds. "And not even for his wonderful sister!!" They both cross their arms, and exit the kitchen. I look over at Trunks and his cheeks were pinker than Monaka! (Monaka is a delivery man who delivers sweets to Bulma quite often.)  Before I get the chance to tell him it's alright, I sense an insanely powerful ki. I also sensed another one right next to it. Trunks also sensed it and stares at me, and then at the door. We head outside and I see two tall guys standing in the distance. Trunks looks shocked, and tells me to stay behind him. A man in a orange training uniform and another man with green fur tied around his waist,  look at us. The one in orange smiles. 

"Hey Trunks, wassup?! I want you and the others to meet Broly!" The one with the green fur tied around his waist looks familiar... "Hey Goku! Um... didn't you defeat Broly years ago?" Trunks asks. While Goku is giving Trunks the details, I can't help but stare at Broly! I've got to admit, he's very good looking. But his handsome face looks familiar, like super familiar! Then out of no where I got a random flashback. 

When I was just a little girl, my mom had tried to give me to my father. "You will take better care of her than I can!" She said. "A girl is a piece of trash! A waste! She'll be weak, and die! It's better I kill her right now!" Father said with anger. "But Paragus--" My mom was then shot with a laser gun, by my dad. Then my dad turned to me, and was about to pull the trigger. A boy ran next to father and grabbed the gun. It scattered across the floor. "Father! Please don't do it! I will train her to become as strong as me! But Father... please don't do it!" But Father didn't listen. He pointed a finger at me and spawned a ball of energy. He blasted it at me and walked away. "Come on Broly!!" He yelled . The last thing I saw was Broly in tears. 

Broly... is my brother.

Those Blue Eyes (Trunks x Reader) 🌌💜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon