9. Suprise Attack

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  I wake up suddenly remembering what Bulma had told me.

 "I always knew Mai and her little gang were no good." 

Then I remembered that Bulla said that the host of the party was named Mai. Wait a minute... if Mai is no good then why is Bulla going to her party? Maybe it's a different Mai, but I shouldn't be too sure.

  Suddenly, I sense an insanely powerful energy. I race outside and I see ki blasts in the distance. Then, Goku appears out of no where right in front of me. He has a cut on his left cheek, and his uniform is covered in dirt. 

"Hey Y/n! Your brother, Broly, has gone out of control. Is there a way you could help?" He asks me. 

I really don't have a way, but I told him I'd try. I hold onto his shoulder, and we teleport to Broly. Broly has grown much taller, and even has neon green hair! The power I sense from him is unbelievable. I fly right in front of him and say, 

"Hey Broly!" 

He tries to punch me, but I stop his fist. He grabs my other hand and for a second I thought he was calmed, but he then tossed me into the dirt. There happened to be something sharp near where I landed, and it cut me near my left eye. I cried in pain. My whole body hurt, and my cut was bleeding a lot. Goku comes over and helps me up. 

"Hey Y/n! You alright...?" Vegeta rushes towards me. 

"You call yourself a Saiyan?! Get up and deal with the pain! Find a way to calm down your brother or he dies!" He yells. 

I take one step forward, forgetting the pain. I yell with anger to boost my energy, and strength. My brother's life is on the line. I fly towards him, and punch him in his face. I then kick him with all my strength on the side of his face. He twirls and I throw one of my most powerful attacks at him. His energy drops, and he falls to the ground. I walk over to him and check his pulse. It's slow, but it's there. Goku congratulated me and says that we really need to spar soon. Vegeta smirks, and I smile. AGAIN, not knowing how to react to a smiling Vegeta. I get a Senzu Bean from Goku, and I feed it to Broly. He thanks me, and I give him a hug. I fly to the hospital, and check in with the receptionist. She asks if I'm alright, and I tell her, 

"Couldn't be better." I take the name tag and race to the room.

Those Blue Eyes (Trunks x Reader) 🌌💜Where stories live. Discover now