Sherlock pt. 12

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Sherlock pt. 12

"But wasn't that thing infinite?"

The angel was obviously trapped. "How?" Sherlock yelled.

He walked towards the invisible barrier, but nothing showed. He could even touch through it.
"Are we in a simulator?" He asked.
Nobody knew what was going on.

Dean knew this was where he had met Castiel when he first arrived. He looked towards the sky and yelled. "Cas! Cas!"

Castiel appeared. "Dean?"
Dean nodded. "What's the news? Have you got any info?"
Castiel looked down. "Not really. I heard someone speaking about a hidden stone in the TARDIS. Didn't know what it meant, though."

"Stone?" Dean asked.
"Yes, stone. They were talking about where Anna had hidden it." Castiel said.
"Okay, well where is it?"
Castiel looked flustered at Dean's questions. "She only said the TARDIS. I would recommend looking for it."

Dean nodded. "Okay, well. We have to go to the TARDIS. Uh-Doctor and Rose-coming? Can Rose walk there?" He asked.
"I think I'll be able to. I recognize this place. Where is it parked?" Rose said.
"I parked it near Baker Street." The Doctor told her.
"Oh Baker Street! We're kind of close, actually."

"I can come as well. I may have-good observation skills." Sherlock said. Dean let out a little laugh. "Yeah, I know. Just-come on."

The 5 of them followed The Doctor and Rose as they kept walking. They were going to reach the TARDIS, but wasn't that thing infinite?

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