Supernatural pt. 5

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Supernatural pt. 5

Someone call an ambulance!

At the bottom of the stairs, Dean turned towards The Doctor. "So, paralell universe, right? Well, is my baby still there?" He asked. "Your baby? You mean your Impala? Yes, it is. Sorry, Dean."

Dean grunted. "I hope she's okay. Well aside from that, where could Sam have even gone?" He said angrily. "You could always look inside of my TARDIS."

Dean couldn't find Sam anywhere. "Sammy! Where are you?" Dean kept yelling. "Sammy!"
Frantically searching through every place in 221b and then Mrs. Hudson's flat,
(Who had no idea what was going on)
Dean found no evidence of Sam.

Just then, The Doctor burst through the door from inside 221b. Dean did the same. Sam was nowhere to be found. Dean didn't want to worry anymore, and The Doctor could tell. "Here, Dean. Take these. We can both search for Sam, but I'll do it here."

Without another word, Dean unlocked the TARDIS and searched arond for Sam. After about 5 mintutes in what seemed like an endless maze, he found something that caught his eye. Inside of a room full of clothes, was a rack full of plaid shirts! Hoping The Doctor wouldn't care, Dean decided to change.

Suddenly, a gunshot pierced the silence.

The Doctor was inside 221b searching more when he heard it, also. The Doctor looked outside and Saw sam. "Oh no." He needed to tell Dean. He ran towards the TARDIS. When Dean saw him, he could tell he had been running. "Sam. I found him. Get out here, quick."

Dean ran out of the door at top speed, like a cheetah would when its cubs were being threatened.
There Sam layed, on the sidewalk, blood dripping out from his hand. He was holding his leg, and the blood wouldn't stop.

"Sammy? Hey, Sam."
Dean talked to Sam.
"Can you hear me Sammy? Doctor, call an ambulance! Sam, what happened?"
Sam opened his eyes.

"I got shot, Dean. Obviously."
Sam winced with pain as he tried to move even the slightest muscle. Sam was good at hiding pain, but this must've been a bad bulet.

"Sammy, I need you to tell me who did this." Dean croaked out.
"I don't know. A woman."
The ambulance sirens wailed across the corner as The Doctor ran over to Dean's assistance.

"How badly are you hurt?" The Doctor asked Sam.
Dean ripped Sam's pants open by the gunshot hole and they got a look at the wound.
The bullet was still in there, blood oozing out and Sam losing consciousness from the loss of blood.

Someone from the medical field ran over to them in a quick manner, issuing The Doctor and Dean to step back. Mrs. Hudson, John, and Sherlock ran out of the door at the sound of the siren.

People hoisted Sam onto the gurney. Dean and The Doctor went into the ambulance with Sam, leaving Sherlock and John behind.

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