Sherlock pt. 10

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Sherlock pt. 10
"I'm going to get help"

"Stella?" Dean asked. Who was Stella? He had never heard of her before. Stella's eyes flashed black. "Demon Stella." He said, pulling out his blade. He grew more nervous as he was now dealing with Angels and Demons.

"Demon? Demons are impossible." Sherlock said.
Dean shook his head no, and Molly laughed. "Not impossible." She remarked, her eyes flashing black in the same manner.
Dean couldn't believe it. "So now they can turn people into demons, too? Crap. Molly, I know you're better than this." He stammered.

Molly must've not been fully converted when she saw Sam, because his description of the nervous woman shooting him was not this confident Molly. Dean wondered. He looked back and saw Sherlock. He couldn't take it anymore. Sherlock raced towards John's limp body and shook him awake. John rubbed his head. "Sherlock...." He mumbled.

John had a concussion. A bad one, too. Sherlock helped John up. "I'm going to get help." He said, dragging John down the hallway.

"Stella. Molly. You need to stop this. Why are you doing it?" Dean asked.
They didn't answer. One of those days, that would work. "How long until Sam turns into full Angel-mode?" He asked.
"Oh, about 48 hours. Don't worry, Molly's had about 2 years. After all, she was sent back in time by a Weeping Angel." Stella said.

"You better tell me what's going on here. It's been a long day."
Stella kept smiling, and smiling, like her plan was going exactly how she wanted it to. "You're right, it has been a long day. You need some rest. We all do. I'll let you sleep. I'll be peaceful to you." Dean saw Stella pull something out of her jacket pocket, and knew it wouldn't be good.

Stella raced towards Dean with a needle. Dean didn't have time to run. Stella pushed the fluid into Dean, and before he knew it he was knocked out cold.

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