Prompt #10

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"You put your all into everything and then give nothing for yourself

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"You put your all into everything and then give nothing for yourself. You will get tired. This is all ridiculous." His voice boomed in the hallway of their newly bought house. She was walking away her voice caught in her throat as her own anger was simmering in her body.

"Yeah just run away. Just like you always do! It's what Dove King is best at!" His words hurt her struck her very heart. She has tried to do her best with what life has given her. She should be fucking dead. He should be dead but she kept them both alive.

Why does no one speak of her positive doings? Why is it always the negative? She fought back the tears as she knew they would do nothing as she kept walking away from the boy. Dove King doesn't cry.

"Sometimes I wonder what I even fucking saw in you. And then I realized you killed the Dove I love. To appease a guy that never even gave two shits about you." Luke declared and this time it froze the girl in her spot. He had some nerves. There was only one person in this world that could get Dove angry like this. Know her so well that he could get her to flip the switch.

She turned around, her face was cold, if he wanted her to be the bad guy she would be. "What? You wished that I stayed in that run down fucking house with you? Waiting for your Mother that was never coming back? Or more realistically waiting until we starved to death? I'm sorry that I had to stand up and provide for us. And found us somewhere that wasn't infested with fucking mice!" She growled as she stepped up to the taller man.

"I'm sorry that your actions and sacrifices will never measure up to mine. I'm sorry that I am the one that always saves you and not the other way around. I'm sorry that I'm always the one that sacrifices herself so you can stay you! I'm sorry that I turned into a fucking monster to protect you!" She exclaimed before she pushed him against the wall.

"But you are more than happy to go back to that run down house. Trust me you haven't change a bit you will just fall right back in the pattern of crying for your mommy. Just this time I'm not gonna be there." The words were low and quiet. Her green eyes locked with his brown ones and she knew she crossed a line, yet right now she didn't care.

"I don't run away. I survive." She seethed before she walked away from the boy and only when she was out of view did she slide down a wall and let the tears fall.


Her head hung low as she sat alone in the training room. She had come a long ways in the short time she had started this gang. Made a name for herself, her crimes, her anger. She was the monster of the black market. Killing herself to keep herself above the rising water that always threaten to drown her.

"Oh sorry. I didn't- Luke told me this was empty." A new voice echoed across the empty room. It caused her to look up to see a boy around her age. He had his work out clothes on, he was decently fit yet nothing to impressive. He was good looking though.

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