Prompt #6

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Prompt :: His blade pressed against her throat. "Go ahead, Kill me. Add another ghost to haunt you."

OCs :: Nova Walker + Pluto Walker

She was done with running. She was done with being protected from her own blood. Maybe that's why she was at this park. Nova didn't tell anyone she was here. Not Chance, Not Emily. Not even her best friend Beckett. It had been two years' since she finally got free of the demon she called her brother.

Nova strolled up the cobblestone path to the swing set where she saw his large figure. One that she always knew was around. The one that her soul was bound to even if she never wanted it to be. "I am surprised you even came Little Sister. I thought you were scared of the big bad older brother." His voice sent a cold feeling down her spine.

The feeling of death. Of every person she's talked to, Assassins, thief's, hackers. No one could ever feel more evil than this man that stood in front of her.

"I am. But I don't want to anymore. And Mother always said to get over a fear you have to face it." She said as she looked into his eyes. His blue irises popped like gems against the tattooed eyes. He looked like a demon.

But she knew him more than she knew anyone on this planet.

"So you are hear to face your demon. Make me go away." Pluto said with a smirk as he pushed off the pole and he stood just a few inches from his little sister.

"No I am here to forgive you. To tell you that I forgive you for what you did to those children. What you did to our parents. What you have done to me." She declared not wavering. "I just... can't keep you away anymore. That isn't gonna help either of us. I know you. You aren't a demon. So please come home and let me help you."

"I know you see them. They haunt you they haunt me as well. So let's face them together."

His eyes were clouded as he looked at her and she knew he was on a fork in the road. He knew this life would change his life. Then it was the cold steel blade that gave her his answer.

"What is this? You don't know me. No one does. Don't act like you do. You left me. Let me rot in a jail cell and then when I spared your life you ran away." Pluto yelled but Nova stood still in front of him.

It wasn't until she stepped closer the blade cutting into her porcelain skin staining it with her crimson blood. "Go ahead Kill me. Add another ghost to haunt you." She said for once no longer afraid of the man in front of her.

The blade stayed there at a stand still before it fell from her neck and to his side. "Leave. And never come back." He finally said as he walked backwards away from her. Nova's hand went up to her neck to stop the bleeding.

"Plu. You can't escape me. You and I both know that. So don't run away. Stop running. We can face this together." Nova declared to her brother but his mask had fell.

She saw that boy that she remember. The one that got life for killing 14 people. The one that was scared. He looked identical to how he looked in that court room.

But this time he wasn't scared of being alone in a juvie jail cell waiting to be transferred to a maximum security prison.

He was scared of the girl in front of him.

"Leave. And don't look for me. You won't have to worry about me again."

The Forgotten Preferences जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें