Castiel let it sink in, he felt really special. "I don't think I would want anybody else to have my first kiss with," he said softly, knowing Dean doesn't do chick-flick moments, but Dean just smiled.

"I'm honored," he replied.

Castiel had one more question. "If you have had 3 girlfriends before... then why did you kiss me back? I'm a guy."

"I don't know, it just felt right. As I said before, it was the best kiss I've ever had, and besides, I think I may like you, always have. There's a reason why you're the first one I became friends with in a few years," Dean explained and Castiel nodded.

He was still surprised someone like Dean could even like someone like Castiel, let alone kissing him. As he thought about it, he decided to just let it go. He was happy with Dean, and as long as Dean felt the same, it was all okay.

They sat at the lake for another while before getting back to Bobby. When they arrive, Bobby noticed the small smiles on their faces. He looked at Castiel, and once Castiel nodded, Bobby smiled too, before going back to the car he was fixing. Dean and Castiel talk about the usual things while Dean works till it's time to go home.

The next 2 weeks, it all felt a lot better for the both of them. They kept their relationship secret, even for Sam. Charlie did know it though, and not because they told her. The three of them just sat together during lunch when she commented on how cute they were together.

"We... What?" Castiel said, confused.

"Yea, you are together, right? Because it sure would be awkward if you weren't."

Castiel blushed and looked at Dean, who nodded. "I guess you figured it out already, so why would we deny it?" he asked.

Charlie laughed. "I knew it, my gaydar is always right."

"Did you just..." Dean turned to Castiel. "Did she really just say that?" Castiel laughed, realizing Dean still didn't know some things about Charlie.

"You'll get used to the way she says things, trust me," he said, still laughing. Dean just nodded and wondered for how long she had known.

As the days passed by, Castiel and Dean became closer, and Castiel started to come by more often. Sam was really happy with it, he saw Castiel as a friend of himself too.

Castiel brought Sam more books, and loved to see the young boy's expression every time. It wasn't like anything he'd ever seen, Sam's face would light up as if he just won the lottery, while he just got a book. Even when Castiel came with a book that was held together with tape, he had read it so many times, Sam's face didn't show disappointment.

Dean loved how Sam and Castiel acted with each other, how Castiel would bring books, and help Sam with his homework. Now, Dean didn't have to do it at night, when Sam was asleep, he even got most his own homework done.

Castiel also never complained about how Dean always had to do something when they were together, whether it was working, making dinner, doing the dishes, or scrub the floor; he just enjoyed Deans company and talked to him while Dean did his chores.

It was Sunday, and Dean didn't have work. Sam went to a friend, and Castiel would come by. He picked up Castiel after bringing Sam to his friend, and they went back to Dean's house. He had done cleaning the house already, so he had some free time.

They decided to watch a movie, one of the few Dean actually had. He never got anything since he didn't have any friends, but Bobby had given him a movie for his good work at the garage. The movie was called "Iron Man" and both Castiel and Dean had never heard of it.

They started the movie and sat on the couch, next to each other, but as the movie went on, they snuggled up together more and more. When Dean put the movie on pause, Castiel squinted his eyes and asked what was wrong.

"Don't look so confused," Dean said. "Can't I just do this without having to explain it?" he said as he pressed his lips to Castiel's.

Castiel immediately kissed back, it felt so good. They hadn't kissed much yet, mostly because they were either at school or in the garage most of the time, and when they weren't, Sam was around or they didn't have time. Castiel didn't mind though, it made the times that they kiss even more special.

Dean pulled back and smiled softly. "I'm really happy with you, Cas," he said. Castiel felt the butterflies in his belly as he heard Dean's nickname for him. He sighed, how could he end up with someone like Dean?

"You make me really happy too, Dean." he cuddled closer and Dean put his arm around Castiel's waist. They started playing the movie again when suddenly they heard the door.

Dean flew up from the couch, and soon, Castiel stood beside him.

"What the hell is happening here?" a grumbled voice said.

"He came by for a project for school, dad, and we were finished so we started a movie," Dean explained.

John looked at Castiel. "I know you... you were here before, weren't you?"

"Y-yes, sir," Castiel replied.

"He's a friend of mine, dad," Dean explained. "Sammy's at a friend's house, and I've already done my chores."

John kept looking at Castiel before turning to Dean. "A friend? You have no friends." Castiel flinched by the tone of John's voice.

"I do have one friend, dad." John still didn't seem to be happy with that answer.

"Well, good for you. As long as you're not some fag it's good. But do your school work somewhere else, I don't want others in my house." And with that, he walked to his room.

Castiel and Dean looked at each other, before Dean mouthed "I'm sorry" and put off the TV. They went to the Impala and he brought Castiel home. "I'm sorry," he said again.

"It's okay," Castiel said. "It was a huge risk anyways, and nothing bad happened. Now go pick up Sam, I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed Dean's cheek and went inside.

Dean went to get Sam and as they drove home, he thought about how he had put Castiel in such danger. This couldn't be happening again, no matter how badly he wanted to.

"Something wrong?" Sam asked. He always knew when Dean didn't feel good.

"No, it's all okay, but dad just came home, so be quit okay? I'll help you with your homework," Dean replied. Sam nodded and went silent again.

That night, Dean went to bed early. John had not come outside of his room for dinner, so he left a note on the table, telling John there was food in the refrigerator.

Right before he fell asleep, he decided Castiel could not come by any more. From now on, Dean would just go to school, Bobby's garage, do his chores and do anything he could to not piss off his dad. And with that thought, he went to sleep.

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