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Two months.

Two months Taehyun went. To get over the person he once loved. To get out if that state of depression, and to not longer need to comfort if a body's warmth to feel safe.

That all took Taehyun two months. Yes he feels better. And by better it means normal. He's back to himself.
But now a days he does hang out with yeonjun, kai and Soobin. Now that was a new experience. The constant laughter and the yelling from the group as they all went and had fun.

It was so new... So loud.. But deep down Taehyun liked it. He liked hanging out with them. He no longer felt as if he had to hide in his apartment and be by himself because he felt alone. He wasn't alone anymore, he had friends. But yes.. Sometimes he wondered.. What happened to Beomgyu.

To the person who brought Color in his life.. What happened to him? But Taehyun was no stalker, so he left his questions as questions.
He came to realize that he needed to care for himself as well. So he thinks for himself and he tries his best with doing so.

Like now. Instead of making his own coffee today, he decided to go and get some from a small food place. That helped him feel more independent. He didn't feel stupid or any of that. He felt...free. Like things felt more fresh to him. The smell of the air.. He fat puffy clouds that decorated the blue sky. The leaves that werr turning orange, giving that signal that fall was coming. Sounds soundt new.

It's was all so different to him.. He loved that.. Yes he was still his nervous self who sometimes stuttered around new people or couldn't even look them in the eyes. But he was experiencing new things. He was sort of living his life.

Taehyun couldn't say he reached full happiness, but he could say he was just getting started.

That was of course, until he ran into a body while walking. He must have been saying caught up in his own train of thought while looking at the sky that he didn't seem to realize he ran straight into a walking body.

While Taehyuns coffee was some how perfectly fine, they person who he ran into fell right over. Weird right.

Their drink along with their food fell over onto the ground.

"Oh crap I am so sorry" Taehyun said as he helped the mysterious black headed boy up.

"It's fine.. We both didn't see where we were going and-"

Taehyun was short of breath, he dropped his coffee. This boy with black hair was no stranger.. He was in fact Beomgyu.

Of course Taehyun didn't know that till now! They had just made eye contact. But still.

They stared at each other. People walked by, wondering why two men stared at each other with food on the ground below them. But to the two.. Time had stopped moving.

Was it fate that brought them back together? Was it the universe saying their story was yet not over? Or was this just a one in the time moment? What was Taehyun to do?

"I'm sorry..I didn't see you.." Beomgyu spoke softly. Taehyun snapped out of his train of thoughts and shook his head before picking up all the food and throwing it away in a near by trash bin.

"It's fine..we both didn't see each other. I'm sorry about the food.." Taehyun said.

The air suddenly became thick. Weird right? Seeing the person you once loved..seemed so weird.

"I'll buy you more...since we ran into each other.. I'd feel bad if I didn't..at least.." Taehyun said and bit his lip. He was being honest. He would feel bad if he went with his day, knowing the food Beomgyu bought was gone.

"Oh.. You don't have to..its fine I can just go get some more-"

"I want to.. I want to get you some..more" Taehyun interrupted Beomgyu. Beomgyus face went into a thinking one. Was Beomgyu skeptical on it? Last time they saw each other, Beomgyu rejected Taehyun and left.

That makes things bad enough, even if it was just two months ago. Taehyun was over it. He was. He's opened up just a little bit more.

"Okay..buy just this one time" Beomgyu said and held onto his book bag strap. Taehyun nodded.

Yes, just this one time. Then after, they'd never see each other again.

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