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Taehyun rapidly tapped his foot as he drew on his tablet as a distraction. Any minute his doorbell would ring and Beomgyu would be on the other side of his front door.

Maybe Taehyun made a dumb decision, maybe beomgyu won't show up. Maybe beomgyu would show up and tell Taehyun to never contact him again, all taehyun could assume was the worst.

Taehyun slammed his pen down onto his desk and let out a deep sigh. He needs to calm down and breath... As long as he remembers what Kai told him he'll be fine.

The chime of Taehyuns door bell rang through the apartment.

Taehyun stood up and felt his heart rate pick up as he walked to the door. It was like his body was moving in auto pilot, but the only thing ringing through Taehyuns head was 'remember what Kai said, remember what Kai said'

Taehyun opened his front door and made eye contact with no one else  but Beomgyu... Taehyuns mind went blank within seconds.

Beomgyus hair has.. Grown.. It was passed his ears, but aside from his hair change... Beomgyu still looked as beautiful as ever, his features were absolutely perfect. His pretty eye lashes, his nose, his lips and his jawline were perfect perfect perfect and perfect.

"Hi... Taehyun" Beomgyu spoke first, thank god he did. If Taehyun spoke first he'd definitely start stuttering up a storm. Taehyun stood aside and made room for beomgyu to enter..

"Yea... I.. I was a jerk last time we ran into each other.. I didn't mean to react that way I was just scared and it felt weird to me how you suddenly wanted my number like you seemed interested in me and I just freaked out and got super defensive and—"

"Oh my god Taehyun shush.. I understand.. I'm just.. Happy you  hired me again.. I thought it would be weird if I just showed up to your apartment unannounced so... That's why I asked for your number because I really should be the one apologizing" Beomgyu cut off Taehyuns rambling just to ramble himself.

Taehyun closed his front door and shook his head "what no? I was in the wrong confessing to you like that beomgyu, we were supposed to keep things professional and I went overboard" Taehyun put his hand on beomgyus shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

Beomgyu sighed "I'm just... Happy you hired me again Taehyun.. I'm sorry for how I reacted back then okay? Just take my apology.. Please" beomgyu said again, he looked at Taehyun with big puppy eyes. Taehyun felt his heart melt as he look beomgyu in the eyes.

How could he say no?

"Okay.. This is me taking your apology.. How about we just.. Cuddle.. " taehyun spoke softly as he moved his hand off of beomgyus shoulder.

A smile grew to beomgyus face as he nodded "yes! Come on! " beomgyu grabbed Taehyuns hand and lead him to the bed room. Even after all this time beomgyu remembered the layout of Taehyuns apartment..

Once the two made it to Taehyuns room, beomgyu immediately went in his book bag and took out two candles. Taehyun took a look at the scents and felt his heart warm up, they were just the same as before, the same smell and all.

Taehyun sat in bed and watched beomgyu light the candles, the beomgyu took out his cotton blanket like always and joined Taehyun in bed. "Spoon? " beomgyu asked with his blanket around him. Taehyun nodded softly and watches Beomgyu turn over so his back was facing him.

Taehyun laid down and pulled beomgyu close till they were both spooning. Taehyun let out a deep sigh and felt his shoulders relax.. This felt... Right..

For the first time in months taehyun finally felt his mind at peace.. He finally felt at peace.

Beomgyu suddenly giggled softly and grabbed taehyuns hand "relaxing huh?" Beomgyu asked with a soft voice. His voice was warm like honey, and the smell of vanilla filled his nostrils with every breath he took.

Taehyun hummed and nodded "yea.. I've needed this.. Works been real stressful.. It's kicking my ass" taehyun spoke honestly. Work as always be a bit hard, but it's the time of the year were extra work gets piled onto Taehyun, especially when a game release date is close.

Sometimes Taehyun wish he had help but even he doesn't trust anyone else with his work, if he doesn't do it then it's not perfect. It's a love hate relationship with his job honestly, but it pays the bills.

"It's okay Taehyun.. I'm here now.. Let's just cuddle hm?? Let's enjoy the silence and each others company" beomgyu squeezed Taehyuns hand and rubbed his knuckles.

Taehyun blinked slowly and pulled beomgyu closer. He was right.. Right now all Taehyun wants to do is enjoy the moment.. He has beomgyu back in his arms... They both obviously had lots to talk about.. But right now they both just wanted to be in each others arms...

Sorry for any spelling mistakes

Professional Cuddler •Taegyu•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें