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Taehyun was awoken by the sound of ruffling. He let out a soft groan and opened his eyes and looked around. Beomgyu wasn't by his side anymore because he was at the end of the bed with food in his hands.

"I always come with food for my clients" Beomgyu said holding the food out for Taehyun to take.  Taehyun took the food and gave Beomgyu a small thank you before he started eating.

Beomgyu crawled next to taehyun and laid his head on Taehyun's chest. "You slept for a while" Beomgyu said with a small chuckle. "Yeah?... It's been a while since I've... Slept with someone in my arms." Taehyun said shyly while eating.

"It's a charm I have" Beomgyu said with a small yawn.. He himself had fell asleep. "How much longer is there?" Taehyun asked in between chewing. "Thirty-two minutes" Beomgyu said looking at his watch.

"Oh" Taehyun said after a small period of silence. "You shouldn't be sad." Beomgyu said looking up at Taehyun.

"I'm not.. I just enjoy the company" Taehyun said finishing the food. "All we did was sleep" Beomgyu said with a tiny laugh. "And cuddle" Beomgyu added..

Taehyun felt his heart pang, it wasn't anything serious, he knew the feeling. "Hey.. How about you leave early" Taehyun said sitting up causing Beomgyu to sit up too.

"Are you sure.. We have about.. Twenty-six minutes left" Beomgyu pointed out.  "Yeah.. I just still have work to do. I put the time limit to long" Taehyun said while reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wallet.

He opened his wallet and pulled out the right amount of money he had to pay Beomgyu and smiled.
"Did I do something wrong.. Or did I say something wrong?" Beomgyu asked with a frown.

"I said I have work to do, don't blame yourself. I enjoyed the company" Taehyun said as he got up from his bed and stretched.

Beomgyu gave a tiny nod and collected his things and packed up. Taehyun walked him to the door.

Before Beomgyu left he turned around and looked at Taehyun.

"Thank you for choosing Me to cuddle you, I have had a tremendous time and I hope to meet again to cuddle more. Please enjoy the rest of your day" Beomgyu said with a bow.

Taehyun gave off a nervous laugh. "I'm obligated to say that after everything session" Beomgyu said with a laugh.

"Bye bye" Beomgyu said. Taehyun waved and watched as Beomgyu walked away.

Taehyun closed his door and sighed.
He wanted to spend the rest of the time cuddling. But that was his problem. He hated getting attached. And that's one thing he doesn't want.

He doesn't want to get attached.

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