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Taehyun shouldn't hate it.

He shouldn't hate going in to the office for the monthly meetings, he never understood why he could work from home. But couldn't never have the meeting from home.

He did it none the less. But he hated when he had to put on his glasses on the count of his seat was far away from the front.

He could just get contacts, but glasses are less stressful.

He held all his latest designs to his chest as he walked down the somewhat busy hallway.

He just couldn't get his mind off of Yesterday. It seemed as if it was all a dream, but It wasn't because it was all in fact reality.

Beomgyu...there was something about him. Maybe his smile or his voice. Taehyun didn't know. But he did feel interested in finding out more about Beomgyu..maybe.

As if Taehyun wasn't paying attention to where be was going, he bumped right into someone and caused his papers to fall out of his arms.

"I'm so sorry" The random person said as him and Taehyun started to pick up the papers.

This random blue haired man looked at Taehyun before he gasped. "You're thee Kang taehyun" He said as he handed Taehyun all if his papers back.

Taehyun nodded with a small smile. "Wow it's no nice to met you, I love your designs for that game blue orangeade by the way" The mystery boy said as he shook Taehyuns hand.

"Thank you" Taehyun said with a nod. "This is like, one of my dreams coming true, will you be here later? I'd love it if you met my friends. We're all fans s of your work" The boy said.

"Um..." Taehyun said as he pulled his hand away from the boys hand. "Well I only come here for meetings..and then I leave..maybe I don't stay a little longer to meet them?—"

"Wow thank you so so much, you would regret it at all. Um, we'll be in the cafeteria around 12 if your free around that time. And I'll see you later" The mystery blue hair boy said with a smile as he walked away.

"Wait wait. What's your name?" Taehyun asked making the boy stop.

He smiled at Taehyun. "Choi yeonjun. My name is Choi yeonjun" He said with another bow before he walked away.

Did taehyun just make a new friend?

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