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What was wrong with Taehyun? Was it a heart attack? What was this feeling he was having? His heart was racing. He felt a weird sensation deep in his stomach that it gave him a sudden sense of happiness. Thank feeling of confessing his love to Beomgyu. It was exciting... Scary.. But exciting.

Taehyun was trying hard, to make himself look nice. Even if he was in sweat pants and a shirt. He made sure his hair looked nice, that he smelled nice and that he even looked nice.

He cleaned his room and apartment, he was doing something he had never done before. He was confessing his love. All Taehyuns life he never felt love. He learnt how to hide it, scared of getting rejected. But finally... He was convinced, he was convinced to tell his feelings.

So when the door bell rang, Taehyun had never felt his stomach do a flip as he opened the door.

"Taehyun I've been here many times already" Beomgyu said with a smile as he shook his head. Taehyun chuckled and wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. "I just want someone to cuddle is all" Taehyun said, that deep shade of red coming to his face. Beomgyu smiled as he walked into the apartment, slipping his shoes off.

"Aw, don't be shy. let's go cuddle, I'll be the little spoon again" Beomgyu said as he grabbed Taehyuns hand. Taehyun did his absolute best to hold his smile back as he lead Beomgyu to his room.

Taehyun say on the bed as he watched beomgyu set up the candles and take out his blanket. Taehyun smiled as Beomgyu laid down. The room was silent as Beomgyu laid on Taehyuns arms.

Could Taehyun really confess? How would Beomgyu react? So many questions flooded Taehyuns head it made his heart speed up. Maybe Beomgyu would smile and say he liked Beomgyu back. Or maybe Beomgyu would wanna be friends with Taehyun.

Taehyun didn't know what and we have was looking for when he told Beomgyu, Taehyun would be happy if they could actually be friends. If they could text, go for coffee. Laugh together. Taehyun didn't mind of they weren't in a relationship.

He just wanted Beomgyu in his life.. He really wanted Beomgyu to be there. Not just there when Taehyun hired him for sone hours. He wanted to be able to talk to Beomgyu whenever he wanted to.. Was all that to much to ask for?

"Taehyun... Your heart beat is speeding up, are you alright?" Beomgyu asked, catching Taehyuns attention.

Taehyun couldn't hold back, he had to say it. Although it felt like a force was holding him back, like a wall. He had to break that wall. That wall that wanted him to stay to himself, that wall that wanted Taehyun to stay alone. That wall that's always held him back. He needed to break it and live the life he dreams of living. He wanted to experience happiness, he no longer wanted to dream of doing such happy things, he wanted have that happy feeling in his stomach. So he broke down that wall.

"Beomgyu, I think I'm in love with you"

There! Taehyun said it. It brought so much weight off his chest, he was finally showing his feelings, expressing them. He felt happy. Happy to finally show his emotions.

But that happiness quickly went away when Taehyun took in the details of Beomgyus face. "....you're joking right?" Beomgyu asked as he sat up.

Taehyun blinked as he slowly sat up. "I...no..Beomgyu—"

"I need to go" Beomgyu said as he stood from the bed, quickly blowing the candles out and grabbed his blanket, packing them. "Wait Beomgyu—"

"I'm sorry Taehyun but you can't like me or love me or whatever... It happens a lot with customers and I really didn't think you'd be the type to.. But with your living situation—"

"What are you trying to say.. Beomgyu.. I thought that you liked me Beomgyu.." Taehyun said as he watched Beomgyu straighten out his clothes. "Taehyun, it's my job to cuddle with you as long as you want me to. Talking is optional. You falling in love with me isn't.. You don't have to pay me.. I'll be leaving Taehyun."

And with that Beomgyu left the room. And soon the apartment when he heard the door close.

All that weight fell back on Taehyuns shoulders. That wall that fell was now stacking itself back up. A pang hit Taehyun in the heart. It hurt so much he grabbed his chest.

When Taehyun tried to stand, he just fell to the floor. So Taehyun sat there, on the floor. His breathing uneven as tears fell from his eyes.

Now Taehyun truly understood love.

Love. Is terrible. It fake. And never again will Taehyun try to love.



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