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I walked back into the presinc I had just finished handing my freshly completed dd5 to our captain. I have only been here a few weeks and I still wanted to make a good impretion. Though it was cool I got to work with fin again, and that nick Amaro wasn't to bad turns out we're both Catholic. Though at first when i met him I was kinda angry he was so close to benson. You could stay I was jealous except for the fact that I dont get jealous. But now when I look at it I realize he could never get as close to I benson as I was and still am. "Hey, what are you guys doing tonight?" I asked approching them. It was almost time to leave for the night.

"nothing really" Amaro said.

"why do you ask?" Fin asked.

" well Liv and I where wanted to know if you guys and the girls of course wanted to come over and hang out tonight." I informed them, "what do you think about it?"

"I think I can make it," said Fin who was putting on his jacket as we made our way to the stairs.

"I'll have to talk to Amanda," said Amaro. Fin and I both made whipping impressions. "Fuck off, if anyone is in control of anyone else its me who controls her!" Me and fin just laughed. We walked out of the presinc

"if your comming come by 8pm!" I yeeled

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