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There was a knock at my door "come in" i said while filling out some paper work. "So do we have any news on the Tasha case?" I asked asumining it was fin or nick do to the smell of Cologne.

"um..ya fin is talking to a guy now and I'm back" the man said.

"your..." i looked up from the papers on my desk "Elliot!" i almost yelled shocked.

"last time i checked i was" El said.

I got up walked over to him and gave him a hug. Then punching him in the shoulder i said. "You sun of a bitch where have you been i thought you were dead."

"i was under cover, dean porter pulled me undercover."

"you couldn't pick up a phone and call me?"

"i thought you knew porter was sopost to tell you."

"i haven't spoken to him since that case in 2009, and ragen told me you quit.." i said just then nick barged into my office.

"sorry to interrupt but another girl has just been raped same m.o." nick said

"thanks nick, i gotta go but if you wont to catch up later you no my cell bye El." i said grabbing my jacket.

"have fun" El said leaving my office.

"i wont" i mumbled. I grabbed my jacket and walked out of my office with nick to see the new Vic at mercy hospital.

We got to the hospital room and their was a white femail, about 10 years old, with a torn up clothes, bruises to her face and arms, with a red hand print on her neck from when she had been chocked.

"Hi sweety my name is Olivia I'm a detective and this is my partner nick" i said motioning my hand tords him "Can you tell us about the person that attacked you?"

" he, I can't he'll kill me, my brother, and mom he said so." She said.

"it's ok we're the good guys we can protect you and the rest of your family. But you have to tell us who he is. Can you do that?" Nick chimed in.

"I don't know his name but he lives across the street from me." She said.

I thanked her then me and nick left the room. "that was a little two easy don't you think?" I asked.

"yeah maybe."

Outside The girls house

"We'll this ours going to be easy." Amanda says. The girl lives in the middle of the block and her drive-way connects to a street we ended up spending all day knocking on doors and looking for a tan middle aged man with brown hair and a tattoo of a shark on his shoulder. Know one fit the description and know one knew any one of that description. Basically we got know where.

It was close to the end of the day and I was at home with baby Noah when I herd a knock at my door. I winced ahead Noah would wake up, but he didn't. I walked over and opened the door.

"hey"Elliot said.

I put my finger over my mouth them pointed to the crib "hey" I whispered.

"you have a baby?"

"adopted." I tell him.

"I was hoping we could talk."

"yeah come in"

N/a sorry I haven't been updating I broke my laptop and now I can only update on my moms phone at night but I'm Gina get a school laptop soon and as long as I don't brake it (fingers crossed) I'll be able to update more and if you any questions, ideas, our constructive cronyism leave them in the comments below, or above, where ever you comment thanks.

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