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*back at the station*

Dammit Amanda.
"Fin how many properties does Murffy own in the area?"

"1 house, 4 bars, and 3 storage units," fin reports

"Ugh she could be dead by the time we get a warrant for all of those. I'll be in my office."

I stomp into my office comply stumped by this case. I slump down in my seat then, wait I have an idea!

"Amaro!"i scream.

Amaro bursts into my office.
"Yeah Sargent, captain, I meant captain."

I chuckle "did Amanda have her phone on her?...Nick? Nick!"

"What yeah, I'm pretty sure she did," he smiled.
"Sonny can we get a trace on Amanda's phone?" I ask bursting out of my office.

N/a sorry I haven't updated I forgot my password. Comment what you think I should do in my next chapter

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