[CH 5] The Mist Kingdom (Filler/Needs Editing)

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Warning: some cursing

That Night

"I feel really bad for them!" said Hinata as she cleaned the counter. "Well I don't! They totally deserve it." said Yasuka as she washed the dishes. "I know that they were mean and all, but if you were sick wouldn't you want to get better and have someone right by you? I mean their parents aren't here and we're the only ones here to take care of them!" explained Hinata and Yasuka sighed. "Yes I guess. You really are one of a kind, Hinata! Even with these boys treating you like that, you still have the heart to take care of them and change our minds! Thanks Hinata!" and Hinata smiled, a little red from embarrassment.

"I finished!!" shouted Ino as she came running into the kitchen. "Wow! Ino! What's with all the energy?" asked Yasuka as her and Hinata turned to the blonde who was standing in front of them. "I finished all my work and Sai's. Also we're almost at Mist Kingdom and finally I can go shopping!! They have the second best malls after the Pearl Kingdom!!" she exclaimed happily. "No wonder" Hinata said and Ino smiled. "Everyone, we've arrived at Mist Kingdom!" said a computer voice. "Thanks Nirvana/Leaf. Girls meet up on deck." instructed Emiko through the microphone.

Ino, Hinata, and Yasuka were walking down the hallway when they heard yelling from one of the cabins. "What the fuck! Just drink the water!!" shouted Temari while Amber shouted, "Sit back down! You're sick! You can't do push ups! Rock, SIT DOWN!!" and TenTen was the worst. "The fuck! Bitch, just hurry up and take the towel!!" "The only bitch around here is you!" retorted Neji clenching his teeth as he yanked the towel from TenTen. "It tastes sweet! Did you add sugar or something? What a drag!" complained Shikamaru and Rock replied, "But Amber, I have to stay youthfully fit and exercise daily! It's part of my routine!" and Amber answered, "No means no! Now when I come back you better be in bed!" and he groaned along with Shikamaru. Neji just glared at TenTen as he "accidentally" spilled his water on her. "Ugh, great!" she said as she put her hands in the air and added, "I quit!" and stormed out of the room. Temari and Amber just sighed and followed and bumped into the three who just witnessed the whole scene.

"TenTen and Neji's relationship is off to a rocky start huh?" thought Ino and the two hung their heads. "Yes. All they do is bicker like a married couple! Did they have a history together?" asked Amber and Hinata nodded. "Yeah. TenTen represented the Silver Kingdom as their best fighter and Neji represented our Kingdom, the Violet. They had a fight once in the Violet Dome arena, but all I heard was that Neji won. I hadn't been there due to me taking care of Hanabi after her early match with Neji!" she explained. "TenTen never explained what happened after the match. So I never found out either!" added Temari and they all looked at TenTen who had a towel draped over her and her face was darkened. "So, I guess the only ones who know what really happened are the two, hm?!" concluded Yasuka and they all just nodded. "Let's go!" said TenTen quietly, but loud enough for them to hear. "Y-yeah!" and they all walked to the deck

The Deck

Emiko was in front of the girls and had a clipboard with her. Konan was on her right while Izumi was on her left. The other girls circled her. "Okay, girls!" she started and looked at her clipboard. "It seems that we've run out of some essentials. So we'll be splitting into groups of four and gathering them at the Mist kingdom. Team 1, Temari, TenTen, Anita, and Hinata, you'll be in charge of getting new clothes. Understood?" but Hinata asked, "Emiko, is it for us girls, or the boys?" and the said girl replied, "Both, we need some other clothes besides the ones we use. Besides we don't know the pin to their closet full of clothing. Apparently they don't trust us" and the four girls nodded.
"Team 2, Konan, me, Cynthia and Izzy. We are in charge of getting us some new cleaning supplies considering that the supplies that we currently have are not up to date and completely wore out."

(DISCONTINUED) 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓳𝓪 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now