[CH 3] Busted

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Chapter 3: Busted

On Deck

"Well well well. What do we have here? If it isn't a bunch of noisy girls. Stowaways." He said  with his hands on his hips. "Princesses and duchess in fact." Itachi said putting down his book to look at them. "When can we feed them to the sharks?" Kisame asked hopefully. "Or blow them up like how we did to the Sapphire castle." Deidara said. "Zip it Yamanaka." Hidan scowled, giving him a death stare.  

They were all on deck. Naruto and Shino were playing a game of chess, (which Naruto was failing miserably), Neji and Sasuke were on look out, Rock was doing one hand push ups in a corner,Choji was eating food, (duh), Sai was painting, (another duh), Kiba was playing with Akamaru, some of the akatsuki boys were playing a game of uno, (anything goes and Sasori was winning)Skikamaru was laying in a hammock, Haruto was loading there weapons, Suigetsu was filling water bottles, Evan, Joseph,Konohamaru, and Udon were playing a game of candy land, (anything goes), Kankuro was fishing for fish, and Gaara was steering the ship. 

Sasori: The new queen of the Sapphire's first night didn't go so well, did it?

Kisame: When are going to feed them to the sharks?

All the boys: Kisame

Naruto: Just shut it will ya. I'm trying to concentrate here. Hmm. I think I'll move it here.

Shino: Your putting yourself in check. And since you let go of the piece, checkmate.

Naruto: *pulling his hair out*Oh come on!

Shino: I call it battle tactics.

Naruto: Well I call it Boring, with a capital B!

Rock: Don't be such a sore loser my youthful friend.

Naruto: Chess isn't "Youthful". Its Old. 

Haruto: Its such a shame. They don't know whats coming for them.

Chiaki: Whats coming for us.

Boys: *deadly voices* Punishment

Girls: * shocked voices* Punishment?!

Evan: Thats were the real fun begins

Alina: You have got to be kidding 

Kankuro: They'll be the fish and we'll be the humans. Well we already are but you get.

Konohamaru: We get it.

Gaara: We'll devour them.

Hanabi: If there gonna be the fish can I at least be the shark?

Kisame: Then your own relatives are going to kill you

Karui: Whats the punishment?

Nagato: We'll have to think about that

When all the boys started whispering, Tamaki finally gaining all her conscious, she shrieked, "OMG!"

Everyone else: What it is?

Shizune: This better be good news because being tied up to a pole with a gang of infamous thieves who are planning our deaths right in front of us is not good.

Tamaki: Its good news!

Amber: Well get to it already

Tamaki: Thats the hunk from my dreams! This is a dream come true.

Emiko: Well you won't be dancing the night away, Ever!

Ino: When you say that, I just realized that the arties guys is totally my prince charming.

Fuu: Well have you realized that your so called prince charmings are prince chumps, And were on a boat, ABOUT TO DIE!!!!!

Tenten: By your so called prince charmings

Sakura: I'm actually hoping that we don't die which that is a 99% we Will. And earlier when I said I wouldn't want to be dancing with boys and princes, or you get, I would actually kill to be doing that right about Now!

Temari: I'm with you on this one

Izumi: So again, whats our punishment?

Konan: Really Izumi. Justt Really.

Lana: Well it would be great to know our punishment before we die, so we can you know, prepare for it? 

Keiko: If you-

Lana: Possibly.

All the girls: *groan*

Keiko: As I was saying before i got interrupted, If you mean screaming our heads off before we plummet to our death, or get stabbed by a knife, I'm with you.

Koharu: I think we all are

All: Yup

Nagato: We have come to a decision.

 Karin: Is this court? 

Amber: Except we never did anything wrong, were about to have a death sentence, and  This COURT IS TOTALLY MESSED UP!!!!

Hinata: I know right

Anita: Can't they just spare us?

Kankuro: Are you kidding?

Gaara: We do no such thing to stowaways!

Sasuke: Are you trying to disgrace our name and legacy?

Fuu: Are we suppose to answer that?

Nagato: Silence! Anyway we've decided to spare *the girls sigh* but you'll be our servants instead. *they all groaned*

Naruto: I pick Hinata

Sasuke: *points at Sakura* pinky over there

Suigetsu: Strawberry over there *eyeing Karin*

Karin: I'm not a strawberry.

Suigetsu: You're hair is red. What do you expect me to call you?

Karin: My name, Karin

Suigetsu: I'm the one giving orders, and you're strawberry now.

Everyone picked their partners. 

Which were Nagato&Emiko, Yahiko&Konan, Itachi&Izumi, Sasori&Keiko, Kisame&Yasuka, Deidara&Chiaki, Hidan&Yumi, Kakuzu&Koharu, Joseph&Lana, Evan&Alina, Udon&Moegi, Kankuro&Isabella, Gaara&Fuu, Chouji&Karui, Shino&Anita, Sai&Ino, Kiba&Tamaki, and Rock&Amber,

Shikamaru, Neji, and Haruto weren't happy with being with Temari, TenTen and Cynthia.

Nagato: Gaara, set sail to Yellow Kingdom. They're mines we're going to bomb.

Boys: Yeah

End of Chapter


Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it.

MiaMianGirl and BlueWhiskers01 out

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