"Who's Wyatt?" Violet asked. "Get to the point."

Her mother continued, "Phoebe's husband. He stayed behind for her."

And then it all struck her. "You guys killed him, didn't you?" 

"We had no choice," her father said boldly. "He was violent and wouldn't let us touch him. Plus your mother was pregnant with you so we couldn't risk anything."

Violet wondered how the story would fit together. "...and how does this relate to me directly?" She waited for an explanation, growing impatient by the second. 

"That woman really held a grudge." her mother went on. Her forehead began to form wrinkles while she frowned. "She broke into our house when you were born and cursed you. You were meant to become a vampire once you turned seventeen."

That's when everything started to make sense. The looks Phoebe would give her whenever they were in the same room, the way her parents treated her like a burden, the sudden transformation on her birthday. Processing this information, Violet was left speechless. Her eyes prickled with tears and her front finally cracked. Was Phoebe the cause of all the pain she experienced from her past? 

"That woman told us herself, 'Your blessed child will turn at seventeen. You'll have years of suffering knowing her true form.' We wanted to kill her but she was too quick," Liz said with rage. Her expression softened and she directed her attention back to Violet. "Look, we drove you out here so you can have an early start. You probably hate us, but we're letting you run free now. It's the least we can do."

Violet shook her head. "No." Her tears flowed freely but she didn't care that they saw. "I'm not leaving them." 

Thomas stroked his goatee and glowered at her. "The Silvers will kill them all. You stay and you're just as dead."

"No, I'm not leaving them." Colton and the others was more of a family to her than her real family. She could not give up on them. "They need my help. They need the cure."

"We're helping you out. Stupid girl. There is no cure. Phoebe's a liar." Her father turned away and shut the trunk down. He walked over to the front door to start the engine. "Come on Liz, we don't have much time left. Let her do as she pleases."

Was it true? Was Phoebe lying to them? For a second, Violet thought she caught a look of hurt on her mother's face but it subsided quickly. Liz finally tore her stare off of her daughter and turned to Thomas. "Right."

"Wait," Violet said as her mother walked away. 

She paused without looking back. "What is it?"

"What are you guys planning now?" 

"Come on Liz!" Thomas yelled from inside the car.

Her mom ignored him and answered her, "The Silvers know the solution comes from the injected's blood themselves. They'll be after Colette." She considered facing her daughter one last time but changed her mind. "We're done with this project. We're moving with Rena somewhere else." She started walking towards the car slowly but continued speaking. "This is the last time you'll see us." With a wave of her hand, she called out, "Goodbye Violet," before hopping in the passenger's seat. 

And just like that, Violet watched her parents drive off into the darkness. This time they were running away from her. Although she believed she hated them as well, it still hurt. They were her only parents regardless of how they treated her. They were caring for her now by letting her go. But then why were they so worried to get her back before? Mixed thoughts made her head poundHer jaw clenched as she took it all in. 

Phoebe did this.

She twitched. 

Phoebe did this.

A fire sensation ignited throughout her whole body.


She had to find her.  She had to kill her.

Back at their newly furnished building, Colton raced back and forth in the candle-lit living room. The windows were covered in cobwebs and cracks and dust balls lined the wall corners. Everyone else was asleep but he could not keep his mind off of them. Colette was hurting. Ace was dead. Violet was lost. As much as he hated Aiden for attacking Victor, he knew in his heart it was bound to happen. 

"Can't get her off your mind either?" 

Colton jumped to see Aiden leaning on the wall behind him. There was a pause for some time. "What if she was taken?" Colton said aloud.

Aiden grunted and sat down on the velvet sofa in the center of the room. "Or what if she left on her own?"

Colton stood in place, unsure what to think of the idea. 

"Maybe it's best if she left. She's seen enough of this," Aiden continued. 

Colton shuffled around the room trying to distract himself with the antique knick knacks that lined the shelves. He ran his finger across a glossy snow globe with a fairy inside. "Can I ask you something?"

"Uh yeah," Aiden responded. He could hear the fireplace crackle in the silence. 

"Do you like her?" Colton put the snow globe down. "Violet."

Aiden didn't know what to say to him. His emotions were puzzling after losing Ace, but at the same time, he couldn't get Violet out of his head. He remained quiet.

Colton looked at him with a raised brow. "I'm guessing that's a yes." 

"No, I don't," Aiden cut in, "Do you?"

Colton turned away and spoke rapidly. "No, I don't"

Liar, they both thought.

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