Chapter 35

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Violet woke up abruptly due to the strange feeling of emptiness. Her body felt the absence of energy and it was hard to think straight. She needed something specific, something to fulfill her. Squinting around the room, she saw that everyone else was also starting to wake up. She watched Colton lift up from the floor and stare back at her from the bed. She looked away quickly and waited for everyone to start their morning routine from brushing their teeth to showering, and packing up to leave. Everyone acted normal but Violet knew they were all thinking of her after several glances in her direction.

Inside of the BMW, Violet didn't know what to say. It was sort of awkward but better than being stuck in the van with five others in this situation.

Breaking the tension, Aiden explained where they were headed to. "We're going to hunt," he stated bluntly.

Her anxiety levels were rising now. This was the one thing she wanted to avoid even though she felt overwhelming hunger.

He said, "Don't worry. It'll be quick," as if he could read her mind.

She didn't say anything for the rest of the ride and looked out the window. She knew they had reached the destination once they were surrounded by tall trees. With a gulp, Violet stepped out of the car.

Colton casually stood outside the van waiting for her. "How are you feeling?"

He smiled brightly like nothing was wrong but she knew exactly what he was doing. "Not good," she replied honestly. He was trying to sugarcoat what was going to happen next.

His smile faded but he held out his hand with a worried look. "I got you."

She paused to mentally prepare herself before taking it. "I'm scared," she whispered.

Squeezing tighter, he added, "I'll be right by your side."

Hand in hand, they began walking towards the woods. Em carried the bag of weapons behind them while Delsin kept watch from the back and the others followed silently. Each person had a tranquilizer in reach, ready to fight.

When an old couple came into view, Violet's heart stopped. To her surprise, they ignored the people and walked right past them.

Em must've caught her reaction because she began explaining their strategy. "We avoid everyone near the opening and look for the ones deep inside to avoid trouble. If it's nighttime, we don't worry as much."

As they continued in, Violet's heart raced faster and faster. There were actual families living in the homes that began appearing up ahead, which was a lot more than expected. She persistently checked over her shoulder to see how far they were in but that only scared her more.

"I think she's a good one," Colette whispered while pointing to an old lady who was walking by herself.

Violet eyed the lady down, wondering what it was that made her a good pick. "How?"

Aiden explained, "The old ones have already experienced life for a longer time so we tend to target them."

She couldn't even think about hurting the elderly. It was just plain cruel. "You don't get to judge that for them."

"Violet, we have to assume. What other choice do we have?" Colton said.

"What about animals? Don't they work?"

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