Chapter 20

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The road trip took about two days to reach their destination. The whole ride consisted of talking and stopping for breaks to eat and sleep. Violet learned that they could eat regular food, but it wouldn't do anything for them. It was also still a struggle to get used to everyone and what they did everyday, but she managed to push through especially since Aiden hardly spoke a word.

"We're in Vegas now," Colton announced. Delsin and Colette cheered. It was already midnight and everyone was tired.

"Finally," Riley said. She was the first one out of the van. "Time for fun."

"We have to focus on our mission," Colton said before yawning. "And get some sleep."

Delsin's phone rang and he pressed the answer button immediately. "Em? Where are you?" He paused to listen. "Yeah, we're here already." He nodded. "Okay, we'll meet you tomorrow morning. Be safe." He looked up at them. "We're meeting her at a hotel she's staying at."

Colette wiped her tired eyes."Alright then lets get some rest."

"Is it okay if we all share a room with you? I'm trying not to spend too much since we're staying at a hotel and all." Colton asked Violet.

She nodded. "Yeah it's fine." The only person she wasn't okay with was Aiden but he was in his own bubble at the moment.

The moment she entered the room, Violet wanted to step in the shower and block out the world. Too bad, Colette beat her to it.

"I'm showering first," Colette said aloud. Violet walked to the bed on the right and set down her bag. The left bed was for Colette and Delsin while the bed on the right was all for Violet. Colton and Aiden were going to sleep on the floor and as for Riley...she had other plans.

"I won't be sleeping here tonight so it's fine," Riley said. "Sleep is for the weak anyway."

Colton glared at her and furrowed his brow. "You and I need to talk. I've been meaning to for a while but things got out of hand lately."

She rolled her eyes and walked to the door. "Way to ruin the fun. I actually wanted to explore tonight." She left while slamming the door shut. Colton sighed and went after her.

Delsin, Aiden, and Violet stared at each other awkwardly. Feeling the tension, Delsin cleared his throat. "Well, I'll get ready for bed then." He got up to look through the backpack he brought along.

Aiden turned away and walked right out the door silently. Violet waited a while for Colette to finish showering, but Delsin slipped right into the bathroom right as she finished. Violet sighed and rummaged through her bag for a few coins. She needed a snack and all of her food was gone.

"I'm going to find a vending machine," she said.

"Okay," Colette replied.

Exiting the room, Violet scavenged for a vending machine. She wanted specifically an energy drink to avoid sleeping that night due to the dreams she's been experiencing. For the past two days, Violet had relived the moment she stabbed the lady in the woods. It was a repeating nightmare and constant reminder that she tried her hardest to ignore, but nothing was working. No matter what she did, it haunted her. Every so often she would think about what Colton told her but that only helped temporarily. You're not alone. The words rewinded in her head as she searched for the machine.

Violet pushed the buttons for a redbull along with some jalapeño chips and grabbed the cold drink in her hands. It was quite expensive to be almost seven dollars total but luckily, she had a sufficient amount of coins. It felt satisfying to snap open the can and allow the refreshing liquid to run down her throat.

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