"Rebecca," You stole her attention with a hushed tone, "When we get out of here, I'll make a distraction for you to escape. Once I do, you run. Wherever you can-"

"What about you?" Rebecca stated, showing a look of worry on her face for you. You didn't answer at first, because personally, you were more concerned for Rebecca's safety. She was the one more in danger than you, she was the one in the wedding dress after all.

"We need to expedite the release."

Expedite? You questioned, slowly meeting Rebecca's gaze to share your visible confusion before looking back at the man himself.

"I have a feeling the BSAA will be heading our way so we need that countermeasure." He hung up after finishing his sentence.

"You're planning another attack." Rebecca stated, seeing Glenn turn to her after lowering his phone, his other hand occupied with the slowly defrosting forearm.

"I'm planning our future." He approached Rebecca slowly, which caused her to move back slightly, almost colliding into you on the ground. "Our time starts now."


"Yes." Glenn turned to look at the screen, staring at the wedding photo. You took a second look, finally noticing the second blonde haired woman in a pink dress, followed by the much taller older man in a tux. "With the last of my remaining friends, we will begin our new life together."

Wait. That's Maria. It took you a moment to recognize her, she wasn't wearing her typical skin-clad leather and ice cold stare. She was smiling happily in the photo, symbolizing the pure emotions shared in the event before it was destroyed forever.

"(Y/N)." Glenn's voice captured your attention, having you look over to him placing the cold hand gently back into its case, sealing it shut with an audible hiss.

"You're in charge of escorting Rebecca our of here." Glenn proceeded to step in front of the large wedding table, his attention towards the wedding photo on the large screen. He felt a heavy pit in his stomach just at the sight of himself staring back at him, a man truly happy in his life, the emotions frozen in time in a single snapshot. How Glenn craved those emotions again, the last thing he wanted to do was wait any longer for them.

"Now, (Y/N)."

Rebecca witnessed the scarab's glow barely a full second after Arias' demand. Your hands planted themselves on the cold floor before your body forced itself to stand properly, despite your weak knees showing signs of giving away at any moment.

You stumbled, the presence of pain displayed itself heavily on your face. However, that didn't stop you from standing fully and glaring at Rebecca, reaching out a hand slowly for her to take.

At first, she didn't seem too keen on taking it. You bit your bottom lip with hesitation, forcing yourself to fight the urge of grabbing her forearm and yanking her off the floor like your mind told you to.

"Play the part." You whispered, low enough to catch Rebecca's attention and hopefully not Glenn's.

Rebecca raised up her pale, shaky hand to yours. Your fingers gently wrapped around her wrist, nodding slightly before giving it a firm squeeze. Using your strength, you brought her off the ground with a good sharp pull, causing her heels to clack against the ground to display her audible stumble. It was enough to make her let out faint yelps and exhales in her struggle, trying her best to play the part of the captured victim while you tried your best to not hurt her.

You stepped behind her, binding her arms behind her with one hand to look like you were holding her securely. Your other hand rested on her shoulder, securing her while gently ushering her forward, seeing Glenn make his way towards the door with you and Rebecca in tow.

Unrequited Circumstances-Resident Evil VendettaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum