Chapter three-Alone again.Or not?

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Somewhere under the surface of the earth, in a place with many tunnels, that many had no idea existed, covered with iron and concrete walls, there where ninjas, working on what a ninja was really supposed to do. Somewhere where the light of the sun had never shined upon, on the middle of a cross shaped bridge, connecting the sides of a huge, poorly lit cylindric hall, stood a man, whose name made people think twice and thrice before making a move. The people who are aware of who he was and what he really did at least, and they weren't many. "Danzo-sama?" Dolphin addressed the man. After a small silence. "The bushin, henge and wall walking you said?" Danzo asked, stoically on the outside but in his mind... "Yes sir." "You saw him do them?" The elder ninja as old as Sandaime asked.

"No sir, but he seemed really confident." "I see" Danzo's left eye fixed in the emptiness of the room, the black shaggy hair not long enough to cover it. His right eye covered by bandages. "But." Bat said. Danzo strengthened the grip on his cane, held by his left hand. His right hand is also covered in bandages just like the eye but he keeps it hidden under a long black coat. The only other things noticeable were his naturally, still tanned skin, he looked half if his age. And an 'x' mark on his chin. "We saw him shape some snow on his palm in a perfect hexagonal snowflake. He didn't keep it for long though."

'Amazing.' Danzo thought. 'The potential the kid has is above my expe-' "May I add sir?" Dolphin spoke again. "Yhe Fourth Hokage does not seem to know about the boy." "He is not aware? Hmm, interesting." "Also sir, we think that, somehow, the anbus have not noticed the boys abilities. It may be that the boy knows the house is guarded twenty-four / seven and has practiced secretly." Bat explained. "Not only capable, but smart too. And at his age non the less." 'If he has achieved this much on his own.' "Just some hours of observation and you bring me great news. Anything indicating that Hiruzen knows about this?" "No sign sir." "Let's keep it this way then, for now." The anbus node.

"One more thing sir." Dolphin said. "The boy may be aware of the Tailed Beast sealed within him sir." "What makes you say that?" Danzo couldn't hold his surprise any longer. "The Namizake couple may have told their children about the Nine Tails, the boy knows he has a healing ability better than any normal human. From what we saw he also seem to know where it comes from and he was enthusiastic about it." Now the old man wasn't holding back at all. " Bat, Dolphin." Danzo said in an ordering tone. "Keep observing from far and try not to interfere and get discovered, letting him work on his own will have the boy advance better, for now ta least, a mob of villagers shall attack again see for the boy not to receive any fatal injuries." "As you order sir." They said at the same time.

"Yondaime's anbu will spot you eventually. If and when that happens make sure the boy is out of suspicion. I expect that the boy will start seeking outdoor training shortly if not right now, with that you won't have to worry about the Fourth's anbu, but Hiruzen may put his nose in for the kid's safety." "Yes sir." Only Bat spoke. "Continue you mission now." were the leaders last words. Bat and Dolphin disappeared. 'I was right with my decision.' Danzo Shimura thought to his self.

Out of the base the two anbu on charge of the mission were trying to find a spot from where they could safely and secretary watch the Namizake residence. "Danzo-sama has really taken interest in the boy." Dolphin started to talk. "Yes, Danzo sama has never spoken this many words before. Not for something like this." "Right." Dolphin confirmed Bat's words. "That boy is going places." "Yes" This time Bat approved of Dolphin's words. "When that happens we better be on his side." "Couldn't agree more."


With Minato, the Fourth Hokage was walking through the hall to his office, the Hokage's office, in the Hokage Tower or the other name, the Hokage Residence. It is one of the largest buildings on Konoha, has the height of only six to seven floors, less than a lot of apartment complexes in the village's centre, but a base that covers a greater surface. It's shape was circular and it's roof, more of a terrace, was flat, covered with white tiles and surrounded with an iron fence and five concrete columns, bent inwards the centre, each placed at the tips of an invisible pentagon. The walls were painted red and at it's front was a big sign with the word for fire. The Hokage was supposed to live there while in their years of duty, but Minato could travel between his residence and there in a second. He wanted to have some moments of quiet hours, at his house which was not close to the Hokage Mountain and the academy at its feet. It was about in the middle, from the village's centre to the wall around the village.

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